Cory Morningstar Profile picture
Independent investigative journalist with artistic & intellectual tendencies, who lives and acts with little regard for conventional rules of behaviour.

Apr 22, 2021, 9 tweets

March 2021, UN: "the disruption to #health services provision & access & the rising #food insecurity could lead to additional 253,500 – 1,157,000 #child #deaths & 12,200 – 56,700 #maternal deaths, globally."

#Lockdowns #SavingLives #SouthAsia #Genocide

"As a result of these disruptions in South Asia, #child #mortality could potentially increase by 18–40% & maternal mortality by 14–52%, over the next year."

1996, Albright: "We think the price is worth it."

2021, #Bourgeoisie, #together: "We think the price is worth it."

"Across #SouthAsia [], an estimated 89,434 additional #stillbirths are anticipated as a result of reduced coverage of essential *SRMNCH services.

...unsafe abortions are also expected to increase [] by more than 50%."

[*Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, #Neonatal & Child Health]

"The current repertoire of interventions for #COVID19
pandemic response has been defined by lead global #health agencies focused on "flattening the curve" & curbing the pandemic, without much regard for the
resulting economic & #publichealth fall-out."


"Apart from the enormous impact on lives & livelihoods of millions of people living in #poverty or forced below the poverty line, the [] measures also uprooted millions from urban slums to [] rural areas, often on foot & at huge #human costs."

[Patel quotes from April 17, 2020]

"... additional 230,000 #child, & 11,000 #maternal #deaths will occur in #SouthAsia in 2020 alone, as a result of coverage disruption of essential SRMNCH services due to the COVID-19 pandemic & #response. This # [] is far higher than the #COVID19 deaths observed & expected..."

"...even the least severe stage of mit. strategies, which include warnings/advisories, public gatherings ban, #socialdistancing, & #schools closures, could increase the share of the population who is #food insecure by almost 20%."

#telemedicine #remotelearning #foodsecurity

>Interview w/ Harvard Professor Vikram Patel<

Mar 26, 2021, #India: 1.3 billion people on a 21-day #lockdown.

"This is an #experiment that has no precedent in history. In human history. Neither in Indian history, or indeed the history of the world.

"3 billion worldwide lack basic #handwashing facilities - THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHOD FOR #COVID19 PREVENTION" - Not experimental #vaccines.

3 billion lack basic soap & #water - While #lockdowns served as catalyst for one of the greatest wealth transfers in history.

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