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Richard only communicates in person. He doesn't use twitter, telegram, social media, email, msgs, youtube, newspapers, magazines, mail, tv, or radio. Humble❤️🙏

Jun 23, 2021, 62 tweets

Brian and I are in agreement here.

#thorchain exploited. This is $26,000,000

I've seen reports that the above hack was actually $8,000,000

Not your keys, not your coins. #Cryptocurrency was invented to get rid of middleman and remove counterparty risk. solves this.

Do not interact with this UniH stuff. Or dust attack stuff in general. You could get your wallet drained.

#Binance moves the withdraw limit 33x lower from 2 #Bitcoin to 0.06 $BTC for people that don't send them selfies and personal informaiton.

#monero bug. #XMR "If users spend funds immediately following the lock time in the first 2 blocks allowable by consensus rules (~20 minutes after receiving funds), then there is a good probability that the output can be identified as the true spend. "

250 million dollar hack lol.

Oh lol it's $611 million including bsc and polygon

$350M just saved by a white hat. (It really disgusts me that people are so careless with their money.)

$74M exchange hack.

#binance wants all your selfies.

$18M hack, @creamfinance

coinmarketcap is down, but is that actually a bad thing?

$4M hack

#coverprotocol rekt, then abandoned

@bitfinex just paid a & $24 million dollar gas fee. Apparently it was a @deversifi problem.

#Compound made some bad code.

$850M could have been drained from #MATIC #polygon

@CreamdotFinance hacked for $117M $cream

$squid rugged to $0

Yet another exploit ($55M) against the most hacked project in DeFi. #bZx @bZxHQ run by a piece of subhuman trash Kyle Kistner.


#coinbase goes down often enough that I'm not sure at what frequency to post it in this thread.

#DBS has online banking has been down 2 days now. can't come fast enough.

#dydx vulnerability notice. $dydx

Dog coin on #avax rugpull

$120M failure. @BadgerDAO

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