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Jun 2nd 2023
1) This whale's portfolio had a 𝗻𝗲𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵 of more than $𝟭𝟬,𝟬𝟬𝟬,𝟬𝟬𝟬.

Today it's worth less than to $𝟮,𝟱𝟬𝟬,𝟬𝟬𝟬.

Who is this 𝘂𝗻𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗲 and how can we 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 his mistakes? Image
2) This whale's journey has certainly be an unprofitable one.

What started with a portfolio funded with a net worth of $10,800,000 turned into a portfolio with a net worth of $2,300,000 today.

What went wrong and what tokens did he buy? ImageImage
3) Well apparently a lot and not just one or two times either.

The whale had to cut plenty of his plays with a huge amount of loss.

Let's take a look at some of the more notable ones. Image
Read 12 tweets
Apr 7th 2023

#RWA 赛道,币安研究院没出报告前,我们就一直很关注。包括在百倍币赛道筛选中,也加入了 #RWA 的项目。

今天就来讲讲 #RWA 赛道。

这里先提供给粉丝朋友一个免费福利。币安研究院在3月2日发表的关于 RWA的研究报告,我们已经通过AI翻译成了中文版本,提供PDF格式文件给大家阅读。有需要的伙伴,电报私信我,助理将发送给大家。(做个小小任务即可)

TG电报链接 Image

Read 12 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
बाबांनो ते आधार कार्ड पॅन कार्ड लिंक करून या रे!
दरवेळीस सरकार शेवटची तारीख शेवटची वाॅर्निंग म्हणतय खर पण यावेळी सरकारने मनावर घेतलेलं दिसतय. 🧐 ३१ मार्च २०२३ ही आधार-पॅन लिंक करण्याची शेवटची तारीख असल्याने पटापट सगळ्यांनी लिंक करा नाहीतर १ एप्रिलपासुन तुमचे पॅन कार्ड निष्क्रिय
याबद्दल सविस्तर माहिती अशी की
Central Board Of Direct Taxes( CBDT) ने ३१ मार्च २०२२ पर्यंत पॅन आधार लिंक करण्याची मुदत दिली होती. ती मुदत ३० जुन २०२२ पर्यंत वाढवली पण ५०० रूपये दंड आकारून!
आणि ३० जुन २०२२ च्या पुढे ५०० रूपये दंडाची रक्कम १००० रूपये करण्यात आलीय याचाच अर्थ
ज्या लोकांनी आणखी पॅन कार्ड आणि आधार कार्ड लिंक केलेल नाहीय त्यांना आधी १००० रूपये दंडात्मक रक्कम भरावी लागेल. ती पण ३१ मार्च २०२३ पर्यंत मुदत आहे. जर तरीपण तुम्ही आधार पॅन लिंक केल नाहीच तर तुमचे पॅन कार्ड निष्क्रिय होईल आणि तुम्हाला जर पॅन कार्ड चालु करायचे असेल तर त्यासाठी
Read 5 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
We love what @jacksonfall has been doing with #HustleGPT so we’re doing our own crypto edition!

The lowdown: We’ve given #GPT4 a budget of $100. We’ve instructed it to make as much money as possible.

Can GPT-4 navigate the choppy crypto waters and stay green?

A thread 🧵 Image
To get it up to speed, we fed GPT all of our Markets News stories over 7 days, a selection of our most viewed stories over the same period, plus a round-up of 2021 and 2022. Here’s what #GPT4 thinks. Image
OK, it looks like #GPT4 is playing ball. We're a go! This is what it’s asking us to buy.

$50 to Bitcoin (#BTC)
$25 to Ethereum (#ETH)
$15 to Cosmos (#ATOM)
$10 to an NFT or Web3-related project 🤔 Image
Read 20 tweets
Mar 12th 2023
Revolutionizing the way smart contracts connect with the outside world 🌐

Designed to bring real-world data to the blockchain with unmatched security 🔒

Curious about the Des Oracle network that's taking the crypto space by storm? ⛈️

Here's an in-depth look at @chainlink 🔗🧵 Image
📃Chainlink is a decentralized blockchain oracle network built on @ethereum.

The network is intended to be used to facilitate the transfer of tamper-proof data from off-chain sources to on-chain smart contracts.
🤔 Founded in 2014 by @SergeyNazarov, Steve Ellis, Craig Siel, and @Adam_Ha_Yes to provide a way for smart contracts on blockchains to access data from external sources, called oracles.

@chainlink provides a secure & decentralized way to source this data. Image
Read 17 tweets
Mar 11th 2023


Read 22 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
Do you ever get overwhelmed by all the links, bookmarks, and sources you must keep track of in your research?

Don't worry; I got u.

🗃 I introduce DeFi Web3 Research library I have built using @NotionHQ and @raindrop_io 🧠

(Surprise at the end)
First, my goal was to make research as easy as possible by eliminating the need to look for information in many different places.

- Now, it is much more than that.

Did your browser tabs ever look like this?

Even more frustrating when a $2000+ laptop becomes slow because of it!
📝 Imagine one gateway to everything Crypto & DeFi Research.

- Exclusive reports on your voted assets
- 200+ Crypto research tools
- Live embedded tools with instructions
- Good AI tools & strategies
- Exclusive whale wallets
- TG chat

= "Escape research chaos, simplify now."
Read 19 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
With promising new projects promising cross-chain capabilities, many people overlook the OGs in the space and what they're doing: Enter @chainlink, building #CCIP.

And they've already got a major player using it: @swiftcommunity

Here's how it'll be a game changer 👇

#CCIP stands for Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol, and it allows developers to build Omnichain-capable dApps.

This means that the days of having to integrate every single chain individually are over.

It opens up a myriad of possibilities for users too! All the hassle of having to use unsafe bridges/shady CEXes just to get into a new chain? Gone.

Here are some examples of how it'll completely change user experience in #DeFi:

Read 12 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
Thread🧵- How I Got 2.6 Million Pageviews Yesterday By Using Google Trends and Google Top Stories

#NicheSite #SEO #onlinemarketing #WebsiteTraffic #SEOExpert #digitalmarketing #LinkBuilding #Backlinks #Link #Outreach Image
1/ Attention all #contentcreators and #digitalmarketers! Do you want to skyrocket your website's traffic and get more #pageviews? I've got just the trick for you.
2/ By using #GoogleTrends and Google #TopStories, you can tap into the power of search engines and put your content in front of millions of people. Are you ready to learn how I did it?
Read 9 tweets
Dec 1st 2022
1) LINK on-chain data & staking strategy
Showing the benefits of joining Chainlink Staking Early Access as well as chart analysis using on-chain data indicators offered by sentiment in light of the impending launch of the Chainlink Staking service.

#LINK #Staking #APE #INJ Image
2) ChainLink price forecast based on analysis of on-chain data

The price increases after large deposits, according to the exchange deposit volume indication. Two sizable exchange deposits have occurred, and the price has increased accordingly. Image
3) Recently, on November 23, or roughly two weeks before the staking service launched, the third sizable exchange deposit took place. This time around, there could be another price hike.
Read 13 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
@chainlink is one of the most important, yet least understood, pillars of the #crypto ecosystem

It currently serves a vital role for DeFi, NFTs and L1s/L2s, and may ultimately be the unifying layer of #Web3

Here’s why $LINK token has the potential to 50x to 100x


🧵 Image

Chainlink is a “decentralized oracle network” that allows blockchains to connect to real-world data (we’ll explain this in a second)

It has a market cap of $3.6B, FDV of $7.2B and its $LINK token trades at $7.15

During the last #crypto bull market, the price exceeded $50

This thread will cover the following:

• What is an oracle?

• What problem does Chainlink solve?

• How does it work?

• What is Chainlink 2.0?

• Who are the key players in the ecosystem?

• What are its #tokenomics?

• What’s the potential value of #LINK?
Read 41 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022
Top Net Buy Value #tokens in the last 5 mins

$LINK +$162K
$CRV +$73K
$FXS +$33K
$BOOST +$9.9K
#X2Y2 +$9.9K
$WBTC +$9.5K
$XMON +$8.8K
$CVX +$6.1K

#LINK & #CRV Net Buy surge compared to the previous value…… Image
The increase & decrease of the Net Buy Value indicator represents the sell & buy actions on the decentralized exchanges, which can directly influence the rise & fall of the price.

E.g., $LINK Net Buy recorded consecutive positive signals when the price was climbing. Image
Combine the Net Buy Value with more DEX Trading indicators to validate the uptrend.

E.g., $BAL. Both Net Buy, Vol & Turnover Rates indicators recorded consecutive positive signals when the price was surging.

Live Signals👇…

#crypto #tradingsignals ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
FTX有挤兑风险,顺路提个醒,根据@lookonchain 的数据看。Alameda目前可随时操作且价值超过100万美金的代币主要有:




有相关币种的朋友可以关注走势,早做判断和对策 Image
SBF投资的币种 ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Oct 17th 2022

No. 1 - NATO-Panzer
Bullshit-Rating: 5/10

#ukraine #russland #krim #kherson Image

No. 2 - Atomkrieg 25%
Bullshit-Rating: 7.5/10

#ukraine #russland #krim #kherson Image

No. 3 - US-Putsch 2014
Bullshit-Rating: 8/10

#ukraine #russland #krim #kherson Image
Read 99 tweets
Oct 9th 2022
Top 15 Korean Movies Thread

1. I Saw the Devil (2010)
2.Train to Busan (2016)
3. Parasite (2019)
Read 17 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
Malayalam Crime Thriller Movies Part 2

1. Anjaam Pathiraa (2020) Image
2.Drishyam 2 (2021) Image
3. Joseph (2018) Image
Read 17 tweets
Oct 4th 2022
Malayalam Crime Thriller Movies Thread

1. Thondimuthalum Driksakshiyum (2017) Image
2.Drishyam (2015) Image
3.kurup (2021) Image
Read 17 tweets
Sep 30th 2022
$link Some big brain wrote this longgg explanation on why Seregy will dominate #Defi/#cryptocurrency and rule over all. Also writes about the 2 layer conversation occurring on stage between Eric Schmidt and Sergey. Must read if you Hodl #link. Bravo Anon.. Bravo.
#Web3 $btc $eth ImageImageImageImage
$link it's all in chronological order to how it was posted..
$btc $eth #btc #eth ImageImageImageImage
$link 👁️👁️ Thanks @_an0n777 for sharing link with me. 🙏 and as always.... more apparent today than ever
....WAGMI ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Sep 29th 2022
🚨#SmartCon22 Day 1 Recap🚨
The long awaited smartcon hosted by @chainlink has kicked off this weekend in NYC. Major announcements from @SergeyNazarov confirming major news and road map for the 🔗 LINK ecosystem🌳.
@chainlink goal is the Restoration of Trust in Everything via Cryptographic Guarantees. Sergey goes on to talk about how we have lost trust in the centralized way of sharing information. User data is manipulated for profit and central authority agenda.
Verifiable Randomness: Provably Fair Gaming and NFTS. VRF is a cryptographic function that takes inputs, computes them, and produces a random output, along with a proof of authenticity that can be verified by anyone. For games this can create random loot, maps, challenges, etc. Image
Read 15 tweets
Sep 27th 2022
$link A short 🧵:
The market hasn't worked out where the long term value capture is. The oracle problem is worth more than all of crypto combined😲

#web3 #defi #crypto #cryptocurrency
#link #btc #eth
>Blockchain = Computer
>Blockchain + Oracles = Computer + Internet
>Blockchain + Oracles + DECO (CL component) = Computer + Internet + TLS/SSL

$link is Layer 0 (see CCIP), the blockchain of blockchains without a blockchain.
Abstraction layer that will be used by everyone, in the end crypto = the "Chainlink Cloud" and everything else will be plug-in's and adapters to said cloud. $link building the worlds first trust network which is an extension layer to the entire Internet.
Read 4 tweets
Jul 16th 2022
***🧵When to take on Alfa/Alts***

1/6 Altcoins generally only have 1 (maybe) 2 cycles in them before they underperform and fail to reach an ATH again. This has proved to be the case in every cycle especially when measured in #satoshis.
2/6 Even on USDT pairings most never print an ATH after their first cycle.

This is one important reason you should avoid taking positions now. You need to wait until a few months prior to the halving & see what the new #narrative is in crypto then. Hunt it out so to speak…
3/6 This cycle brought NFTs and Defi for example. The last brought forks and ICO’s among other things.

You can guarantee in such an infant market new narratives will arise in every 🐂 market.

With this the % upside gains in new #narratives are generally higher than the old..
Read 6 tweets
Jul 9th 2022
1/5 Hilo🧵¿Qué es Chainlink?
Uno de lo proyectos que mas me gustan como inversión y mayor relevancia que ha tenido en el ecosistema de DEFI es #Chainlink💠fue fundado por el actual CEO @SergeyNazarov
No por ser un protocolo de Lending💰, Yield Farming👨‍🌾 o Liquidity Mining⛏️
2/5 Si no mas bien por proveer un servicio que resulta vital para estas y otras plataformas. Chainlink es una red de Oráculos Descentralizado🌐, Seguro🛡️y Rápido⚡️, que permite a los Smart Contracts conectarse a fuentes de datos externos.
3/5 Esto es una de las herramientas que usa la tecnología blockchain para interactuar con el mundo físico🌎, Chainlink permite llevar la información del mundo real a la blockchain permitiendo de esta manera a los Smart Contracts ejecutar acciones de acuerdo a esta información 📡
Read 9 tweets
May 29th 2022
For the last 100 years, innovation in the insurance industry has come down to who could make the funniest TV ad 🦎

With #web3 there is finally room for some REAL innovation in the insurance sector

A thread 👇
2/ Traditional insurance is fairly simple:

You acquire a policy which covers a specific type of loss (e.g. general or professional liability, worker’s comp, etc.), up to a designated limit.

You make payments, called premiums, at regular intervals to keep the policy active.
3/ Simple enough, right?

Well, probably not. Because if a triggering event occurs, how do you collect on the benefit of your policy?

The answer is, you must go through a lengthy and sometimes frustrating affair known as the claims process.
Read 17 tweets

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