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Economist | 📚 BA in Economics ⚙️ MSc in Econometrics 🇪🇺 MA in European Economic Studies

May 1, 2023, 10 tweets

#MarketReport 2023/04

1) In this thread, I'll cover comparative performance of

📌 #Stock Indices
📌 #Exchange Rates
📌 Treasury #Bills and Government #Bonds

both for April and since pandemic.

2) #StockMarkets

MoM returns in April, at their own currency:

➡️ #SPX #IXIC #DJI #DAX #NI225 #XU100

3) #StockMarkets

MoM returns in April, based on USD:

➡️ #SPX #IXIC #DJI #DAX #NI225 #XU100

4) #StockMarkets

Returns from 31/12/2019, at their own currency:

➡️ #SPX #IXIC #DJI #DAX #NI225 #XU100

5) #StockMarkets

Returns from 31/12/2019, based on USD:

➡️ #SPX #IXIC #DJI #DAX #NI225 #XU100

6) #ExchangeRates

Performance from 31/12/2019. Depreciation and appreciation of selected currencies:


7) #FixedIncomeSecurities

Treasury Bills (3M)
Government Bonds (2Y and 10Y)
Spreads and Reel Yield Approximation.

8) #FixedIncomeSecurities

Treasury Bills (3M)
Government Bonds (2Y and 10Y)
Spreads and Reel Yield Approximation.

9) #FixedIncomeSecurities

Treasury Bills (3M)
Government Bonds (2Y and 10Y)
Spreads and Reel Yield Approximation.

10) #FixedIncomeSecurities

Treasury Bills (3M)
Government Bonds (2Y and 10Y)
Spreads and Reel Yield Approximation.

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