Joe was incredibly handsome. He mastered the antics of seduction. His charming looks and funny gesture attracted women to him. His 6-figure salary was an added advantage.
Getting girls to his bed was much easier but he had a major setback. His small DICK.
Issa thread

Sex was always a disappointment.

With time he mastered the art.
His head game made his flings orgasm multiple times.

On one of his hunting expeditions he met Cynthia at a party with a group of girls.

There was a vacant seat on their table. He approached them.
“Hey ladies, would you mind if I join you?”
“Sure.” they agreed.

Finally, he got her number and scheduled a visit. Mission accomplished.

It did not take long before Joe led her to bed. Cynthia enjoyed every dose of his foreplay.
He brought out his little Joystick, Cynthia didn’t flinch. She returned the favour by giving him a BJ.
Sex was brief. She left.

3 days later he received a message from Cynthia.

“I’m coming over to get some… U known na?”

A girl coming for rebound sounded strange.

Joe leaped for Joy. He looked at his Joystick.
“Boy, Atlast! Someone wants you.”
The dick’s reaction.

“Come and join me” she beckoned.
“That’s one invite the president would never send a representative.” Joe joked as he took off his clothes.

She pulled him close and forced a kiss, like a hungry Lion devouring its prey. The sensation was intense.
Joe gasped for breath at several intervals.

Cynthia’s moans modified to screams of pleasure.

Joe realised she wasn’t feeling him like the foreplay. He had to switch between his tongue and his little joystick at intervals to balance the mood.
Cynthia enjoyed it.

It was the first time he was able to keep a steady relationship.
Apart from the sexcapades they had, Cynthia was fun to be with. She was an extrovert and there was never a dull moment around her.

Joe and Cynthia had just finished a regular bout of samankwe.
Joe slept off in ecstasy of the pleasure he had just received.

He looked to his side and Cynthia was gone.
As he approached the bathroom he couldn’t believe his eyes.

He quickly retraced his steps to the bedroom. Cynthia was lost in ecstasy.
She didn’t notice him.

Joe set off for work.
“Hope you won’t be bored?” Joe asked.
“My friends will be visiting today, They will keep me company.” She winked.
“Have fun.” Joe said as he left.

Femi was an upgraded version of Joe. He was equally cute , had a flair for chasing women and his manhood was above average. @WilsonNonny

He knew Femi was a talkative.

“Femo! That babe wan kill me with love.” Joe smirked.

J: “Today? I thought it was for Friday.”
F: “If you know what is good for you, better submit it today.”
J: “It’s at home, although its not complete lets go and get it.”

“Joe you have a full house, Make I compose well, my next catch may just be there.” Femi joked.
They laughed in excitement.

“Cynthia does Joe know you’re a lesbian?” One of her friends asked.
Joe was shocked.
Femi held him back. “Shh!” Femi whispered to cool him as they hid behind the door.

“How? We don’t have a manhood” they chorused.

Tears streamed down Joe’s eyes on hearing this.

“Femi SHUT UP!” Joe exploded in anger.

The girls rushed out on hearing Joe scream.
“Hey baby, what’s the matter?” Cynthia asked.
Joe’s reply.👇

Joe's Reply.👇

She left.

He struggled with his stigma, as the pain was too much to bear.
He lost confidence approaching women. His friends consoled him.

He was at the shopping mall to get some groceries, when he heard a familiar voice from a distance.
“J-boy! J-Boy!” He turned to see who it was.
Behold it was Mary.

They lost contact when she got admission into a private university that banned the use of phones.

“I am doing fine o. You still look beautiful as ever.” Joe said.

“What did I know then. Forgive my ignorance. So who’s on board?” He asked.
“My dear, it’s a long story, we need to seat somewhere and discuss.” She insisted.

She had problems staying in a committed relationship. On 2 occasions she lost men who had proposed to her on the grounds of cheating. She had been left at the altar once for no reason.
Joe realised life was difficult everywhere.

“Don’t tell me that Dick we usually laugh at has refused to grow?” She Joked.
“My dear, same story O! Even a Lesbian used me.”
Mary screamed in laughter.

Mary understood his predicament.

As weeks went by, Joeʼs focus switched from experimenting women to finding the right woman he could spend the rest of his life with.

He thought of Mary.
To Joe, she was the light at the end of the tunnel.

“My dear, I have thought about it. How about you?” Joe asked.
“Iʼm still waiting for Mr. Right. For now let me enjoy my singleness to the fullest.”

“I will pop the question tomorrow.” he said to himself.

“Where is Femi?” Mr Bode thundered.

“He had the guts to leave without completing his project. If you know what is good for him, Get his ass here.”

He sped to Femiʼs house.
On getting there, he knocked but didn't get a response.
He turned the door knob. Luckily it unlocked.

Then he heard moans coming from the room.

“It’s you baby!” was the repeated reply.
Joe did not need a soothsayer to decipher the message.

Minutes later, The door opened. behold! It was Femi completely naked.
Joeʼs reaction when he saw the Hunk of a penis Femi had.

He knew there was no way he could satisfy any woman that had tasted such.

This was all he could Imagine.👇

“Stupid boy, you left the door open. You have not learnt your lesson abi? until one of your babes will poor acid on you.” Joe joked.
“Mehn, the babe in that room is a machine.”

“But today is my off day.” Femi shrugged.
“You didnʼt complete your project. He is screaming his lungs out at the office.”
“Mtcheww! Let me get dressed. Iʼm coming.” Femi hissed.

Lo And behold. It was Mary wrapped in a bedsheet.

“Mary!” he screamed.

Joe’s heart sank. He tried to fake a smile.

“Yeah, J-boy is my childhood friend.” Mary replied in excitement.

(I have been childhood-Zoned.)

“Its a small world” Joe managed to say.

It was a solemn journey as Joe had many thoughts going through his mind.

“I canʼt wait to go another round with that babe. Sheʼs Lit!” Femi said jokingly. Joe stopped the car instantly and burst into uncontrollable tears.

“Iʼm sorry bro. Is she aware of your intentions?” Femi asked.
“Femi, Iʼm just tired, I canʼt find true love because of my condition.”

“Donʼt pretend you donʼt know About my little Joystick. When I saw yours, I lost my self esteem.”
“Mtcheew! Thatʼs not a problem. Thereʼs a solution.” Femi hissed.

What is your ideal size for a penis?😉
New stories come every Tuesday.
Make it a date with @iamthe_eagle.
I don't know what to say to you.

It will be silly to ignore my loyal followers who retweeted and liked my last thread, you guys are the real superheroes.

I want to thank the following infuencers who made my previous story a reality.
@AHoeStory @TCharis_DRO @Alex_Houseof308 @ItsHimOla @the_oscarromero @KINGMILLION_ @BillionTwiTs @surh__says @ichorthemonk @icalme_prodigy

For event coverage, Video editing, Commercial design, Directing, Sound, Script writing, graphic design, for Music, movies & Documentary e.t.c
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Part2 will be out next Tuesday.
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I'm off to prepare the next story.
Keep soaring. 🦅