was a member of the Knights of Malta. He was chief of the Knights of Malta in North America for some years.

medal for his services to the Vatican--and that while he was overseeing the
formation of the CIA.) puritans.net/news/cia122302…
either been Knights of Malta or FreeMasons
than any other American, ......"
outstanding deeds have spread the faith and have safeguarded and championed
the [Roman Catholic] Church."
with the Vatican, in his monumental book "The Vatican Moscow Washington
Alliance." It was the CIA, for example, that secretly aided the Hungarian
Freedom Fighters in 1956, at Pope Pius XII's behest
majority of Hungarians did not favor the Freedom Fighters' cause. Why?
Because the Freedom Fighters--a front group for the CIA and the
of course, would have made Hungary a Roman Catholic country.
employing his KGB agents in an active recruitment movement for a
Socialist/Marxist Pope to replace Pius upon his death. The KGB settled on
Roncalli, who subsequently was elected in 1957, and became John XXIII.
election. The Vatican conclaves bring the term "simony" to new and dizzying heights.)
under the rabid support of Cardinal Spellman, supported the Roman Catholic
takeover of South Vietnam by the Roman Catholic tyrant Diem. South Vietnam
at the time was a Buddhist country.
Socialist Pope, and Pedro Arrupe, the Marxist Black Pope appointed by Paul,
the Vatican reversed its strategy.
Roman Catholic, and a member of the Knights of Malta.
agency through which secret "assistance" to the Holy Mother [Roman
Catholic] Church can be provided by secret American society members acting
as her defenders..."
and a member of the Knights of Malta. That is Louis Freeh. Freeh is also
a member of Opus Dei.
into the Democratic Party's headquarters for Richard Nixon--he was a CIA
agent, Roman Catholic, and also a member of the Knights of Malta.
author of "In God's Name"
members as "international defenders of the [Roman Catholic] Church." It is
hardly a secret that one of the most important American advances in
"defending the [Roman Catholic] Church" by Catholics
CIA go far beyond intelligence gathering of an international nature.
Mother [Roman Catholic] Church can be provided by secret American society
members acting as her defenders.
By Dr. [Phd.] Stephen Mumford