Nigeria's economic recovery programmes have necessitated a radical shift from total dependence on government for job to self-employment.

Snail farming in Nigeria requires capital and not a smaller one but a reasonable one as the building of the pen can vary from one form to another and the working capital may be low, compare to other animal husbandry like poultry, fishery,..

This is so because snails feeds are very native, national or local. However,Snail farming business in Nigeria is a type or kind of agricultural ventures that if one ventures in it diligently and patiently,he/she would not have any cause to regret.
One thing you should know about snail farming (Heliciculture) which is the process of raising land snails specifically for ...
Many who are into snail farming in Nigeria are also unwilling to let others know about the farming methodology. The techniques are often shrouded in secrecy.But the plain truth is that snail farming is so easy.
It is also possible to produce 1,000,000 snails worth more than N5 million twice a year. This is made possible bcus of the availability of very highly prolific ACHATINA species of snails,which lay 200-400 (2-3 times a year)
Snails are very sluggish in movement and due to this attribute it has traditionally been a symbol of laziness. Snails are usually found in the forest or bush areas and are very active at night ...

This is the outer and harder part of the snail which the snail uses as protection from their predator or from danger. Most times or sometimes, snail shell can be used for traditional medicine, ornament or beads, decorations,...
These are the reproduced part of the snail (snail eggs) which will gradually transfer into adult snail. What am about to tell you looks ridiculous but its the truth as Most people eat snail eggs or snail caviar; it is sometimes put into soups or ...
The eggs are as well medicinal which controls the level of cholesterol in the body and ...
This is a kind of mucus, an external bodily secretion which is produced by snails, gastropod mollusks thats looks sticky and semen like color. It is jelly in nature. Apart from the part of snail which is been consumed as food,...
The Snail slime could be used for various purposes which are as follows :
if you do not know, now you know It now that snail slime is used for cosmetics and it has numerous benefits. Know that most of these cosmetics snail slime are usually extracted from a snail variety known as Cornu Aspersum (previously Helix Aspersa).
For serums, facial masks, moisturizers and fading creams-; Snail secretion filtrate is widely used in Korean for beauty products.
Having discussed the by-products and the usefulness of snails, lets quickly look at the health benefits of snail
These are the nutrients and vitamins that are been provided by snail for body regulations.

Snail contains Omega-3 fatty acids which is very useful for preventing diseases related to the heart because Omega 3 can make arterial organ becomes ...
This Omega 3 is also good for improving eye sight.
In 100 grams of snails also contained 100 UI Vitamin A that is good for the eyes.And also good in the development of Children brain memory.
Snails contain high percentage of protein (12-16%) and irons (45-50 mg/kg) they are low in fat and also contain almost all the amino acids needed by humans.
It is one thing to think of a business plan, it is also another thing to be determined to set it up and nurture it till it grows.
To set up a snail farming business in Nigeria,..

No business is easy,not even Snail farming. Remember when you are determined, you loose procrastination. The zeal must be there before you start any business as this will drive you in making your plans workout.
In setting up a snail farming business in Nigeria, you must setup a perfect business plan for it.
A good business is one that has a business plan which is why I always use to emphasize on this when letting down a guard.
You should determine the scale and the amount of money you intend to start your snail farming business with. Do you want to start the snail farming small or do you want to start big? These are among the questions you should have an answer ...
Some people start with a huge capital,While others start with little capital then as time goes on,they put in more snails as the profit grows.
It depends on the size of your pocket.
The good thing about snail farming is that you can start it with low capital.
When selecting a land for starting your snail farming business, select lands that are plain with adequate shade and the soil should not be waterlogged. It must be balanced and it should not be too dry, and also it must not be acidic.
If you intend to construct and rear your snail in a snail pen, tank or drum and not on an open place or farm, then you are still on point.
This method is highly recommended,bcus you will keep a close watch on your snail ..

NB: it is better and highly recommended that when constructing your snail pen (house for your snail), you build a pen that has a bare soil on the floor, and not cement it. Put fresh leaves or damp the soil to make the snail feeling at home.

After constructing your snail pen, now its time to stock it with snails.
When getting your snails, you should select snails that are fresh; they should also have hard shells without Damage,Patches or Nodes on the Surface.
There many species of nails in Nigeria. And they are;
> Zebra Nerite snail
> Tracked Nerite snail
> Horned Nerite snail
> Sulawesi snail
> Pond snail
> Apple snail

• Achatina Fulica,
• Achatina Achatina
• and the Archachatina Marginata.
but for rearing snail, it is better and highly recommended that you get the Achatina Achatina (also known as Giant Ghana Snails or Giant Tiger land Snails).
This kind of massive reproduction is good snail farming business in Nigeria.
Like I wrote before, rearing snail or snail farming is really not costly which is why it is a good business to venture into, feeding your snail is really not costly because snail feeds on fruits, sweet potato, cassava tuber, soya bean, maize chaff,...

As you can see, Snails are animals that are not really selective of foods. Just make sure that whatever fruit or food you are giving them is salt free..
But the simple way I have discovered in composing their meal shall be revealed to you below, all you need to do is enter the market and make your composition.
So for a 50 kilogram meal, you can use:
• 25 kg of white or yellow maize
• 5 kg of soya beans
• 3 kg of groundnut
• 2 kg of Palm kernel cake
• 3 kg of fish meal
• 6 kg of Bones that have been burnt or ashed
• 1 kg of lysine and monotoline ,
these are vitamins premixes.
After this you grind and bag it .

I hope I have been able to help you this far, if you feel like having a one on one consultation, feel free to contact me privately....Wink
Just because we having been saying that snails dont fall sick as much or that snails are easy to manage does not mean you should not take care of your snail.
There is much mortality in snail, as it is in other animal husbandry too.
Put in mind that it is your business and source of income and dont just treat it anyhow. Know when to provide it food.
Feed your Snails regularly morning and night with drinking water and also avoid mixing with Salt,.
Always try to frequently clean the feed and water dishes and give them good water.
Also Earthworms added to the soil help keep the pen clean.
After hatching, the baby snail stays in the soil for 2-5 days. Then the baby should be put in a separate pen to give it available space to grow. Moreover,...
Male and female snails fertilize each another, after mating which may take several hours, they lay their eggs in depressions under logs or fragments. Though they start laying white eggs 8-12 months when they are sexually mature,..

A well matured snail should have a thick, harder and if possible big brim/shell.
You should look out for possible pest or disease that could harm your Snails.
Parasites, nematodes, trematodes, fungi, and micro arthropods can attack snails,...

When your snails are all matured, harvest them for selling, Do not sell your snail when it is not yet mature.
It is advisable not to harvest all the Snails all at once, So as to keep some for breeding and to serve as base stock for your snail farm.

Sample your Snails to available buyers who might be interested.
Market your snail to market women, Hotels, Restaurants and also Joints.
But before you Harvest your Snails Or Sell them, do a market research to know how much Snails cost in the market.

Snails too are sometimes affected by diseases.
Below are some of the diseases of snails you may want to be familiar with :
> Operculum detoriation: holes, loss of operculum
> Snail inactivity
> Loss of tentacles or small tentacles
> Hole in the shell

> Body disformation
> Detoriation of shell and operculum
> Discoloration in new shell
> Intoxications
> Rough shell surface in new shell parts
> Reproduction problems
> Irregular growth of the shell
> Egg problem
Snail farming business in Nigeria is among the lucrative agricultural business opportunity that most people who knows the worth are embarking now.
Let me show you how to start Snail farm with 100 Snails.
Total cost of constructing the pen
(Snail house) N10,000.
Free since it's you.

Cost of buying breeder snails called point of lay @ N400 each ( 100 Pieces) #40,000.
Bear in mind that, you could even get it at a cheaper price if you are buying it from a farm.
Transportation of 100 snails to your location.
Let's even put it at #5000.
Cost of feeding 100 snails using special snail formulated feed #8,000/per 25kg bag.
This can feed the 100 snails for 3 months.
Meaning buying 2 bags needed before harvest of snails for sale will be #8000 × 2 bags = #16,000.
Note: this is optional.
Cost for buying fruits like pawpaw, watermelon for 6 months period ( #2,000) But you can get them free from fruit vendors or plant them by yourself.
TOTAL= N73,000
In Summary, #73,000 - N100,000 is enough to set up a Snail Farm Business in Nigeria.
During harvest, if you had bought 100 snails, when each snails is expected to lay eggs at least twice in 6 months and each snail can lay 100 - 300eggs at a time.
You can multiply 100 by 100 that is 10,000 eggs in total, that's exactly what you are likely to get.

If you sell each parent snail fully matured at #700 you will make a sale of N70,000 for the one hundred parent stock .Which you still have about 10,000 grower snails to grow to maturity.
Please consider mortality of say about 20%, hence you will have 8000 young snails.
Even if you sell them for N100 each at harvest, that would be N100 X 8,000 snails = N800,000 Pure Profit!
And remember, it lay more than 100eggs in a Period.
The Secret of making millions in any business is to master your game, dream big, differentiate yourself from competitors and work smarter.
I Wish you all Success🙏
Appreciation: NGU Snail Farm Consult, Monrole Global Snail Cooperative and TDK Snail Farm
#Nzekwe Gerald Uchenna (NGU)