You're setting our Youth up for terrible injustice.
Please stop this & please intervene if you see any announcements.
This is what NOT to do folks!
Know what Cobb Co did to a real life BlackLatinx Deaf man?
Arrested & deprived him of comm. for 2yrs 8mos
Appointed atty known for shoddy wk
Sentenced him to LIFE!
![White presenting Deaf/Disabled children pointing guns at a projector screen with a car, people, building, and other visuals while a police officer looks on while leaning against a wall in a dark room.](
This is so problematic I don't even know what to say.
A Deaf student was literally snatched up & caged--& will be caged for LIFE by this very dept. His kid--younger than these kids visits him in prison now!
I'm literally ill from this. SMGDH.