Looks like it is time to move this thread on #NDTV forward!
This reminds me of a dialogue from the game GTA II which I used to play sometime in the last decade - 'REMEMBER, RESPECT IS EVERYTHING'!
Oh, and the single quotes for 'respect' .. if that cannot make you fall in love with the good folks manning the #NDTV offices, nothing will!

Sometimes I wonder would an allegedly renowned media house so proudly quote 'Foreign Media' in the main headline IN ADDITION to the usual disclaimer at the end of the report.. But then I tell myself, it is #NDTV!

Disclaimer: The screenshot on left on 'Abusive Handles' is in no way related to the screenshot of a couple of tweets of the #NDTV anchor.
I just felt I should post them here together, on a whim.

Ah, this one reminded me of the hashtag #HafizKiBarkha, and the outrage it caused - both secular as well as communal!
Thank God for Twitter!

I wonder what triggered this hashtag about #NDTV .. but some of the responses are truly 'hilarious'!

It is no secret that the Pakistani establishment is not very happy with @TarekFatah, but #NDTV too???
But, trust @TarekFatah to give it back in his own way!

It was allegedly a bug which caused this on the #NDTV website!
(PS: Click on the screenshot to see the full story)

Damn those 'editorial gaffes' .. they never stop!
But the best part is that this tweet by #NDTV STILL hasn't been taken down and amended!
Well, atleast they give image credits at the end of the tweet!!

The #NDTV tweet quoted by @muglikar_ might indeed be yet another 'innocent editorial error' for all we know, but then, he is not the only one calling it otherwise!

Sab miley hue hain ji .. this is not fake applause .. there is a perfect explanation for it given more than a century ago by Shri Hermann Minkowski Ji.
THAT is how the fellow is asking the ques & clapping at the same time!
For the nth time .. #NDTV has NO double standards whatsoever .. they have just one standard .. Got that??

I will sign off on this thread for the time being with this VERY interesting conversation that a star #NDTV anchor had with @amritabhinder
I am assuming there were no lawsuits filed, though!