The right turn is currently closed.
The crossovers on the A249 between Pilgrims Way and Stockbury are closed.
A 40MPH speed limit is in force.
The main entrance has been closed again for the time being.
The #A249 southbound lane closure will stay in place until the crash barrier is replaced.
The temporary lights on the A249 northbound are still in use to allow people to safely exit the field gate.
Any vehicles wishing to enter the showground must do so via the field gate.
Traffic is now able to exit the showground via both gates.

There is a temporary 40mph speed limit.
The cross overs between Pilgrims Way and Stockbury are closed to prevent dangerous manoeuvres.

There is currently slow moving traffic on the approach from Pilgrims Way.
All @kentcountyshow traffic management is in the process of being removed.