Are we developing technology for ectogenesis, aka development outside (“ektos” in Greek) the womb?
Considering IVF and extreme ICU preemies, the total time a human has to be in a womb is already as little as 20 weeks, half the usual 40.
(1) IVF in which embryos grown in lab 5 days
(2) recent breakthrough growing embryos up to 13 days (so far)
(3) getting stem cells to spontaneously self-assemble into embryos
(4) manufacture of sperm and egg from stem cells
..just science!
- the artificial womb team tried to censor publication in the media of the creepy video above
-the stem cell to embryo crowd employs obfuscating nomenclature like “gastruloid”
Do we want, for example, headless vat clones of ourselves from which we can obatain youthful matching organs?…
NT stands for nuclear transfer, aka cloning.

Cook originally got famous with a better book, Coma, in which organs are stolen from people in comas.
Ectogenesis is: