So here's a small thread on what you Should be getting, and what companies might try to make you Settle for.
Feel free to shout out your own tips in the replies.
I've taken smaller clients on their word when we agree to payment terms. Companies should never be those clients, especially because your work will go through dozens of employees.
- Flat Fees
- Crediting
- Royalties
- Licensing.
All of these are neccesary in some regard for your art to be used responsably, which is why a lot of gigantic corporations try to skirt past them.
As a rule of thumbs, once you enter the mid-tier publishers, a $150/page rate for artists doing their own inking and coloring is the minimum.
Get an agent if you can. Crediting is one of the fundimental ways we humanize artists.
But making noise about your contracts is one of the few acceptable ways to make noise in industries.
I get royalties for choice products I edit, in case they become bestsellers. Not having this loses you potentially thousands of dollars.
If you're working with any noteworthy client, take the royalties, because they accumulate over years.
Which is why these are also the hardest to negotiate with companies on.
-To be notified when a company wants to license your art
-To be credited on every licensed version of your art (or the packaging it's shipped in)
-To be paid either flat or accomulated fees whenever your art is used on licensed products.
But transparency kills the validity of toxic clients. So let's make some noise together! ^^