Digital Marketer/Social Media Manager
Business Manager
Business Intelligence Analyst/Developer
Creative/Graphic/Web Designer
Executive/Career Coach
Product Manager
App Developer
Cloud Computing Specialist
Drone Operator
YouTube Content Creator
Another interesting fact is that for a lot of people occupying these or similar roles had no idea they would end up in these fields today.
They very likely stumbled on them...
For some, thanks to the spirit of hustle, they discovered a trending career path and latched on tight
They harnessed their passions, interests, skills, and knowledge (any or all of these) and forged a new path, considering the ever evolving corporate existence.
Who can tell what new jobs will be created in another 10 years
What will help you fit is your preparedness to discover and develop yourself.
Learning in the classroom is not enough
#learningoutsidetheclassroom is a start