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Andrew Scheer's Expenses @CpcFact
7 years ago, 7 tweets, 7 min read Read on Twitter
Hey @rpoconnor, can you explain how Hamish Marshall's One Persuasion shares the same corporate address as @ontarioisproud? The same Hamish Marshall who is Andrew Scheer's campaign manager. (h/t to @TheJasonPugh) #cdnpoli #cdnmedia
That means Ontario Proud is officially affiliated with @CPC_HQ as a propoganda arm, and with the @fordnation campaign through Hamish Marshall. That would explain your use of Nation Builder/how you got access to voter's personal information for texts/calls during campaign #onpoli
Here is a partner of @onepersuades soliciting for donations for @ontarioisproud before the election. Both organizations share the same corporate address. #cdnpoli #cdnmedia #onpoli
This likely means that even with not for profit status, a likely commercial transaction took place for @ontarioisproud to access the mailing list it used to contact voters. That means you can request your private information from @ontarioisproud through PIPEDA. #cdnpoli #onpoli
Thank you to @TheJasonPugh for shining a light on this. I thank you.
Yes, it is the address of a building that caters to many tenants, but there are other connections beyond address. This is more than a coincidence that requires investigation. Considering the half baked conspiracies the @CPC_HQ has spread about Justin Trudeau. #cdnpoli #cdnmedia
Let's follow a string. Hamish Marshall was the president of the Torch Agency, also a founder of Rebel Media. Here is Torch talking about using NationBuilder for Rebel Media. Guess who the servers for Ontario Proud are listed with. Another coincidence? #cdnpoli #cdnmedia
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