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Nov 7th 2019
1/4 Points Of Contention #CDNpoli

RE #Scheer's Post #Elxn43 Caucus Statement

Conservatives appointed John Baird to analyze failed campaign strategy

Baird works for Eurasia Group

Eurasia Group colluded w Time magazine to run #ForeignInterference in elxn…
2/4 Points Of Contention

RE #Scheer's Post #Elxn43 Caucus Statement

#CDNmedia failed to challenge Scheer & distributed #FakeNews based on his false claims

This is not the strongest opposition + weakest govt in #CDNpoli history

2004: CPC 99 vs LPC 135
2006: CPC 124 vs LPC 103
3/4 Points Of Contention

RE #Scheer's Post #Elxn43 Caucus Statement

Everyone knows #CDNmedia fails at math

But difference of 36 seats between CPC & LPC in 2004 is identical to current govt

1979 was weakest govt & strongest opposition in #CDNpoli history:

Tory 136 vs Lib 114
Read 4 tweets
Oct 17th 2019
No matter the outcome Monday I will never forgive #Scheer, #HamishMarshall & their cadre who have acted like pondscum, knowing they had nothing of substance - ir they couldn't hit the #Libs on economic record - they opted for a very American campaign of unrelenting lies
knowing that the sheer volume would overwhelm & create suspicion, sneak under the cognitive brain & stick in subconscious. They appealed to the very worst instincts & fears of Cdns & slyly courted votes from racists, homophobes, anti-abortion nuts & more dangerous types.
They did this consciously, a shamelessly hypocritical & pandering deathbed conversion to caring about womens rights, Indigenous people, people of colour - as long as they could weaponize it against #Trudeau w/warheads of bullshit.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 15th 2019
I can understand ppl who have never met #JustinTrudeau forming a vision of him based in the Christ-like qualities the media framed him with last election. I also understand ppl who are now suspicious of his sincerity & honesty becuz of the media & Ethics commissioner's
"Hillary's emails"-ing his role in SNC Lavalin & racial insensitivity from decades ago, and his not coming forward w/pics himself before Warren Kinsella slipped them to Time magazine. Plus #Scheer's constant barrage of lies about the PM are bound to stick to your subconscious.
Fact is that the overwhelming majority of Canadians only know #Trudeau through these lenses. How else would you? Well, I have known him - not well, but well enough - for several years. He is neither the messiah he was painted as before nor the slippery devil he's painted as now.
Read 17 tweets
Oct 5th 2019
#CPC know #Scheer is a weak leader, who lied about his earlier job qualifications to hide that he'd been on taxpayer's teat his whole adult life, is homophobic, will endanger our health as payoff for industry donations - but they are standing behind him not whining (1/7 thread)
about his 'imperfections'. They defend & champion him as they do for their candidates whether they're shitty or not. Meanwhile Liberals have been trashing #Trudeau for his distant past while overlooking his current achievements & govt successes & party's vision of country.
This is how Conservatives win. Because too many Liberals are holier-than-thou hypocrites & who can't handle if their pet cause didn't advance enough, because these Liberals think that their cause is the most important, damn the rest. If ur one of those Liberals, you deserve
Read 7 tweets
Aug 14th 2019
1... So it appears there are many #CPCTrolls out there who used to be involved with the #PPC but are now butt-hurt because they are less relevant than they think they are, smearing @MaximeBernier and @peoplespca regarding financial statements... @Worried_Canuck for starters
@MaximeBernier @peoplespca @Worried_Canuck 2... it turns out their outrage is over NOTHING because according to Elections Canada's own rules, only ONE form was to be submitted by now, and it's the form detailing assets and liabilities PRIOR to the official formation of EDA. We have 6 months from formation to file...
@MaximeBernier @peoplespca @Worried_Canuck 3...Here are screenshots of Elections CAnada reporting requirements, the May 31 would be May of NEXT year, beings many EDAs didn't exist prior to May of 2019. Here's the link too.…
Read 5 tweets
Jun 19th 2019
"Conservatives just won't take yes for an answer ... " - #Trudeau.

Exactly. As I keep saying: Nothing pisses Conservatives off more than #Canada's success under the #Liberals.

#Scheer is throwing quite the hissy-fit here today during #QP. Never seen his dimples so red. #cdnpoli
Wow. #WeakAndy, red in the face and sweating sure is making good use of that there Parliamentary Privilege today. Everything he's said so far is halve-truths and bullshit. I think I saw steam shooting out his dimples.

#cdnpoli #QP
Ahh, poor little @CandiceBergenMP is still triggered over #Trudeau's xmas trip in 2016. HE TOOK A HELICOPTER RIDE THAT DIDN'T COST CANADIAN TAX PAYERS! Oh no! #LOL #cdnpoli #QP
Read 16 tweets
Apr 30th 2019
Has #PNPCBC talked about #Scheer's secret meeting with oil execs to collude with them to attack #Trudeau in #Elxn43? Including Questerre CEO who funds NB Proud / NS Proud?That Jeff Ballingall gave a speech the day after?…

#cdnpoli #ScheerCollusion
It's no wonder that the #CPC raised so much what with all the free advertising they've had w #cdnmedia's nonstop coverage of SNC. Meanwhile they're ignoring #Scheer colluding with his rich oil exec buddies to attack #Trudeau. #ScheerCollusion #pnpcbc #cdnpoli
#Scheer's #CPC can pretend 2 run a "positive" campaign while they let Jeff Ballingall's #OntarioProud network do all the attack ads all while skirting election laws. Scheer met with Questerre exec who funds NB/NS Proud. NB Proud did business with Ballingall. @VassyKapelos #pnpcbc
Read 5 tweets
Dec 18th 2018
Listen up #Canada I’m talking to every #Canadian so please retweet this. The @CPC_HQ is itching to welcome two tier healthcare, American healthcare insurance industry wants in, just like the gun industry. Remember #Scheer saying #Canada needs the same guns America has, I do.
Andrew Scheer wants the same guns as Americans, why do you think he wants that? Ask yourself why, I’d bet it has something to do with the benefits of being the person who allows them access to our #Canadian money. We know the NRA “donates” to politicians. Does he want some too?
Andrew Scheer has not clearly said he wants a privatization of healthcare. He hasn’t said it out loud because he & Hammish know #Canadians would not vote for him if he did. He has hinted at it, “our failing healthcare” has come out of his deceiving mouth. Ask yourself why?!
Read 10 tweets

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