@creedcnw @OriginGreen @Bordbia @GeorgeMonbiot @IUCNpeat @KOSullivanIT @tessakhan

Why? It’s cheaper than straw because straw prices are👆🏼because, well, climate-induced drought...
@KOSullivanIT @ellamcsweeney @RTENewsPaulC @GeorgeMonbiot @paulbmelia @GeorgeLeeRTE
@creedcnw @OriginGreen @Bordbia…

It’s being done with the apparent blessing of @IFAmedia and @teagasc, which has in the past researched peat alternatives🙄

Yet here they are just a few years later, acting as if nothing has changed.
Emerald Isle, is it?☘️ @OriginGreen @Bordbia @creedcnw
This must stop - bogs are key carbon sinks and wildlife habitats!

This is exactly why our climate lawsuit is so important - we need urgent action NOW!
Sign #InMyName today!