You see, the Farmers Journal is owned by something called the Agricultural Trust. And the IFA is heavily involved in the Board of the Trust.
The IFA’s sitting president is always a director of the Trust.

At least some journalists & NGOs are doing their job irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/v…

E.g. Recently they led the government to
~ support the ‘dangerous’ agri-expansion plan Food Wise 2025 irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/v… and
~ adopt the wildlife-vandalism that is the ‘Heritage Act 2018’ irishtimes.com/news/environme…

And Ireland is changing fast, as the work of the Citizens’ Assembly has shown very clearly. @CitizAssembly

But the lives of millions and the future of our country are at stake: apps.who.int/iris/bitstream…

And please support our case as it reaches its hearing in Jan 2019! climatecaseireland.ie