Which brings me to this #SundaySoapbox, the press.
I do this all the time.
Absorb this information accordingly, including adjusting your expectations on quality.
It's fine to have both, but maybe not daily McD's for your health and expect to pay a bit more for the steakhouse so they have the resources for a quality cut.
Leave the nutty stories for Hollywood.
Either a story is true and accurate, or not true. There is certainly with some room for perspective if it's an opinion piece, but basic facts should be constant.
What I would like to focus on is solutions out of this gross place we've let journalism and criticism thereof go to.
If someone uses the term "fake news", consider why they are using it, and whether they have an interest in the story.
It's on us.
If we don't reject the term, it will become a permanent part of our daily lives blurring the line between unpleasant facts and untrue statements.
If it's untrue, agree it's untrue not fake news.
If it's just true, but unpleasant, correct the terminology. You don't have to be fancy about it, say "yeah, it's true but it sucks".
Do you not believe it? If so, how do you fact check it? Do that, and instead use terms like true, false, or part true.
Do you not like the information but it's true? Think deep about that.
Would you recommend murdering coal miners because it's a polluting source?
No, that would be insane.
Using the term "fake news" puts journalists in harms way.
If you don't like their mix, think they are too hard on a group, think they are omitting a group, etc., help make our news better by providing that feedback.
Give basic respect, push back/mute appropriately, communicate, clarify, and consume unpleasant facts with grace.
✔ Drop a note to a journalist you think is doing a good job
✔ Pay for a subscription to a reputable news source so there are the resources to fact check
✔ Stop using the term "fake news"