- lots of public comment
- a vote to confirm the new interim city manager
- some spicy discussion about that selection process!
- and a resolution allowing the new interim city manager to declare a state of emergency this weekend in the event of “civil unrest”

this city can’t seem to keep high level staff. wonder why.
sad, no antifa giraffe brigade.
“it seems like there’s a super heavy handed approach” and asks murphy to expound on that.
“this is the agreed upon law enforcement strategy.”
“we need to establish that we can keep citizens safe.” (you already proved you can’t)
as though terrorists would use the same tactic again?
brackney compares events displaced by the police state to events being cancelled by rain
this is PR.
she proceeds to lick some serious boot.
fire chief baxter responds: “we’ve gotta get this right. that then becomes the zero point from which we can as a community talk about what 2019 looks like.”
wes responds honestly, “nope.”
branding and marketing this community’s trauma.
hill interrupts... she’s feistier than normal tonight. this feels PERSONAL.
mike says “this isn’t personal”
nikuyah silences the gallery, saying “no, i’m interested in this.”

mike is using his deeply infuriating whine-splaining voice.
people talking over each other. yelling from the gallery. mike looks offended.
kathy: “may i please make a comment?”
“i’m sorry heather you didn’t get your pick,” she says hotly. laughter and applause from the gallery.
he says “SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS” make people leave their first amendment rights at the door.
nikuyah now arguing with a member of the audience.
he closes with this quote...and i’ve gotten an ocular charley horse from rolling my eyes

says the 3-2 council votes mean “three white people, two black people.” says it “doesn’t have to be” that way.
i hope mike is listening.
calling out mike for leaking emails to the press just days before the election last year.
she passes three copies of a book on white fragility up to the dais, one for each white councilor.
white guy up next starts by saying “this is like wrestle mania” and congratulates council on a job well done, praising mike murphy.
he says he doesn’t expect them to hug or vote unanimously, but they need to “work together”
“first of all mike, you’re a grown ass man. you need to get your panties out of a bunch.”
she says signer needs to quit leaking emails.
“mike, do you have a problem with women? are you a misogynist? do you have a problem with people of color?” (yes)
public housing is in disrepair, we need a public bond to rebuild & expand affordable housing.
“if we don’t get this right, this city is gonna look like san francisco” - working class people will be priced out.
“this is why people all over the city are canceling their HBO subscriptions,” he jokes, talking about how exciting the meeting is.
i hope they read it.
“we don’t want to do a complete 180” from last year’s total lack of police response.
calls from the gallery of “arrest kessler!” and “dont gas us!”
i think the real question should be “who is accountable?”
see? anyone who isn’t a racist fascist shithead is more than welcome to speak ❤️
we really are fucked, huh?
hearty applause for our environmentalist friend ❤️🌎
shutting this city down isn’t going to help anyone.
“we’re going from a stand down to a shutdown.”
we deserve to be together in unity and community this weekend. shutting the city down hurts us. “you are still punishing this community”
making it hard to make us show up makes this city look like cowards.
“do you y’all wanna be the city who ran from white supremacists?” “that’s what you’re gonna look like if we shut this city down.”
that is NOT what y’all have been saying!
but i mean it: the real threat IS THE POLICE.
that’s... an interesting way to talk about what y’all are doing.

this is so pure.

why aren’t police escorting US, guarding US, protecting US with their backs to US?
she’s admonishing the rest of council for the way they’ve treated nikuyah.
shut your goddamn mouth kathy galvin.
to heather: “you’re just a backstabber. my mama told me not to sugarcoat anything.”
i’m so fucking pleased to see mike, kathy, and heather taken to task on this tonight.
she says “i don’t even know how to defend against what he’s got going on here,” about signer’s comments.
this woman is bringing some real power to the mic tonight. this is another bit of video i’ll try to grab tomorrow.
“are you gonna make a decision to stand for what’s right? that’s what it boils down to.”
hearty applause from what remains of the gallery here at 11pm.
unity, civility, bootlicking. kathy’s core values.
nikuyah wants to pull H for discussion. wes seconds on the condition that it be moved to the next meeting (rather than the end of tonight’s).

he says he didn’t expect to be asked to be city manager. “i believe leadership is needed and i believe i can provide it.”
“you all really need to look at how you make decisions”
“the permanency of this request is very alarming to me”
she emphasizes she isn’t unsupportive of murphy for this role, though.

oh no. i’ve died and hell is just watching overpaid consultants give powerpoints.

meeting adjourned.