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Dr. Joe Abah @DrJoeAbah
7 years ago, 7 tweets, 3 min read Read on Twitter
A few days ago, @akinalabi wrote a thread encouraging you to take revenge when people offend you but do not apologise. He thinks if you don’t take revenge, you are weak. He’s a successful man, so very many people are likely to be influenced by his beliefs. I do not agree. Thread.
As always, we should start with definitions to ensure that we are talking about the same things. To revenge is to hurt or harm someone in return for an injury or harm you have suffered in their hands. It’s the age-old principle of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
Let’s reflect on @akinalabi’s advice on the basis of both spirituality & practicality. First, Romans 12:19 says: “ Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.” His advice fails here.
Leaving spirituality aside, does not taking revenge make you weak? I would argue that it actually takes more strength not to give in to the base instinct to exact revenge. Anybody can take revenge. Anybody can hit back. It takes a developed mind to refrain from taking revenge.
Some people will actually boast that they have a hot temper. What they are admitting to is a lack of self control & self discipline. Being self disciplined is not the same as being weak. It actually takes strength to be self disciplined. The weak will hit their partners in anger.
However, there is no need to be stupid. If someone hurts you and doesn’t apologise, you need to take steps to stop them from hurting you again. Some people will hate you for no reason. They will seek to hurt you for nothing. Cut them off, block them, avoid them at all costs.
However, taking revenge drags you down to the same level as the person that hurt you. Mr @akinalabi cited Trump as his mentor. Trump says hit back several times harder. Michelle Obama says “When they go low, we go high.” I’ll rather be mentored by Michelle. Thanks. End.
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