It’s Nazi talk.
It’s Nazi talk.
We already have an emboldened force of racists rounding people up.
It’s Nazi talk.
Laura Ingraham and her Nazi talk.
When I say "This is Nazi talk," I don't mean only that it's the sort of talk Nazis in Germany used to soften up public support for eventual mass extermination, though it is that.
I mean it's exactly what Nazis say, today. The ones today say exactly what she does.
I'm not drawing an inference or anything.
I'm saying "anyone nodding along to Laura Ingraham is listening to the exact stuff current Nazis say, and nodding."
And so have many of his key advisors.
And so has at least one Republican Senator.
And many candidates.
And so on.
What do you call a political party that supports him?
What do you call the crowds who cheer for him?
What do you call a network that broadcasts exactly what Nazis say?
What do you call those who listen and nod?
It's scarier.
When Nazis aren't in power, being a Nazi requires being a hateful monster, perhaps.
When they are in power, it just takes listening and nodding as they speak.
And the lesson of the past is you don't wait until Nazis commit global genocide before opposing them.
"Nazi" is hyperbole when applied to feminists, grammar, or soup.
When it's applied to actual Nazis, "Nazi" is just the straight news.
The gesture was an acknowledgement and a dare
An acknowledgement, to those who believe in the cause that gesture represents
A dare to the rest of us, to believe we'd seen it
And yes, in the course of a wave, your arm can reach that position.
Show me video of anyone who *starts* a wave from that position.
You won't be able to, b/c waves don't work like that.
She was making a prophecy.
If you still think otherwise, there's this: Yesterday, she was talking like a Nazi does.
The fact that so many can watch it happen and still doubt the report of their own eyes shows you how insidious it becomes, once those who mean to do evil decide to see what is permitted.