We need people!
As a college alternative, expose your children to mfg whether it be electronics, welding, or CNC programming.
All are great paying jobs at $30 - $40 per hour.
This is a CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine). I've been programming and running one since I left Nuclear subs and now make 6 figures - no degree!
It's fully programmable from a solid 3D model. 6 probe touches by me then the machine takes over.
It's accuracy is about. 00006 linearly and .0009 though out it's volume.
Show your kids!
We need their help in aerospace!
We do welding as well. We made 3 of these in under 4 weeks from the time we ordered the material. We have only 35 employees but need more!
So, I may be looking to you folks who reside in Normalville for a job.
Our Prez has been trying to tell you!
Research what trade programs are available to your children in your area as the opportunities will only improve over the next 6 years.
Please vote and don't forget to live, laugh, and love too.
I hope I can open a lot of eyes for our youth and our military transitioning back to civilian life.
Another good paying job in multiple fields.
This robotic tooling was welded & precision machined to w/i .001" location for interfacing holes and surfaces.
Unfortunately and wastefully, the entire program was scrapped, but we still got paid!
I'm going to dedicate a portion of my Twitter account to help guide young Americans to better jobs, higher pay, & interesting careers.
The average human hair has a diameter of. 003", yet we often work with tolerances of .001".
I think our youth would be very interested if they knew about the opportunities befitting their skills.
@marklevinshow highlights two very impressive young ladies... @RealCandaceO & @KatiePavlich.
At this point in my life, the most important thing is the future of my and your children!
Every parent should watch and share this interview!
The MAGA battlefield will need to be fought in our "educational" institutions.
It's a must watch with your kids!
First, here is my CMM in action...
Oops! How'd that get in there.
Just checking to see if you're still paying attention.