This is why Facebook is evil.
Sandberg's response is basically, "yeah...that sucked."
Sandberg: "We have a combination of people reviewing adsa dna combination of...machine learning."
Sandberg: "It depends on you you define a hoax, but we've certainly seen some misinformation campaigns."
It's Simple: ban the Nazis. It's not rocket science.
Dorsey: We recognize we need to communicate more where people are on our service...
Harris: What percentage?
Sandberg: Here, let me throw you some more numbers...
Thanks dick.
Sandberg: We're going to throw money at that problem and hope that solves it.
Sandberg: "We're very committed to encryption."
Except Google.
Dorsey: "We need to be consistent with our terms of service." We need to protect the rights and privacy of users.