(1) Determine the mass of the purple star.
(2) Determine the mass of the meter stick.
(3) Determine the reading on each scale.
(4) Determine the masses of the beam and the softball.
#teach180 #iteachphysics

• collecting data to see how clean/repeatable it is
• analyzing data to see if it works as predicted
• figuring out how to account for friction and minimize air resistance
#teach180 #iteachphysics
• Did data analysis work as predicted? Not initially b/c I made a physics error that I didn't realize until after school. This frustrated me all day. I almost gave up, thinking there was just too much friction/air resistance to work.


NSTA article on inquiry boards: science.nsta.org/enewsletter/sc…
Inquiry board templates: static.nsta.org/connections/mi…
#teach180 #iteachphysics

I bought 3 extra locks and 4 zipper pouches from Amazon to supplement the standard breakout kit.

• y ~ mx+b for linear graphs
• y ~ ax^b+c for non linear graphs and looking at the value of b to determine if the relationship is quadratic, inverse, inverse square, square root, etc.