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Thread by @OzKaterji: "Despite how actively I’ve called out Novara for the propaganda they have put out in the past, Ash Sarkar defending defacing one of the last […]" #Dayenu #RefugeesWelcome #BringYourFamilies

14 tweets, 3 min read
Despite how actively I’ve called out Novara for the propaganda they have put out in the past, Ash Sarkar defending defacing one of the last remaining walls in the Warsaw ghetto is as low as it gets. Novara has become a bulwark of defending antisemitic behaviour from the left.
Novara Media, in particular Michael Walker, Ash Sarkar and Aaron Bastani have created an institutionally antisemitic media outlet purely to defend the Corbyn project. Whether they personally hate Jews is irrelevant, their actions are actively facilitating & enabling Jew hatred.
The last time I said this, Aaron Bastani publicly threatened to sue me. I have lawyers waiting for his letter of intent. I will not be silent in the face of racism and I will not be bullied or intimidated by legal threats.
Novara is institutionally antisemitic. It can’t defend itself from those accusations by inviting a handful of Jews that agree with them any more than the EDL can by finding a Muslim that agrees with their agenda. If Novara don’t like me saying that then I’ll see them in court.
My solidarity belongs exclusively to the British Jews and Syrian refugees that have suffered as a result of the racism and racist rhetoric defended & perpetuated by senior Novara Media editors. I will not stand silent, I will not let this go. #Dayenu
All these people have to do is stop, listen, reflect & sincerely apologise. That's all they have to do to step back from the brink. The hatred is spiralling out of control and all they have to do is take a step back & listen to Britain's Jewish community. Please end this madness.
This isn't about international politics, it's about communities living alongside each other in Britain. Those community relations are the very fabric of our society. The consequences of damaging those relations will weigh heavily on all of our souls.
European migrants are scared. British Jews are scared. The small group of White Helmet volunteers and their families coming to Britain are scared. At a time when the left should be fighting to reassure vulnerable groups, it is wholesale abandoning them for party politics.
It's great that people have created a powerful platform to advance progressive politics. But if it wants to have conversations about Brexit, antisemitism & Syria, then it needs to be having them with the very people those decisions impact the most. Otherwise it's not progressive.
Instead of challenging the establishment media, they have merely taken its very worst attributes and amplified them. Trying to get Novara to reflect on the sort of coverage they put out is utterly futile, but as I know they are reading, I just have to ask them to look around.
We share countless mutual friends. You are all clearly passionate and affable human beings. But look at the impact of what you are doing with your social media platforms, your own friends are begging you to stop and listen. Is this the brave new world you are fighting for?
A world in which your own friends are condemning you for defending defacing a wall in the Warsaw Ghetto is not one that is kind or gentle. It is not for the benefit of the many, I would argue, that it isn't even for the benefit of the few. Hate me all you want, but listen to them
The founder NM has been repeatedly invited to talk to representatives of the British Jewish community. I would suggest that invite is extended to all of them. I am happy to organise a meeting with Syrian refugees too. Otherwise stop talking about people that you won't listen to.
Urgh, just seen a MAGA type retweet this thread. For the avoidance of doubt, I am a proud Muslim and a proud advocate of Palestinian & refugee rights. I'm calling out the left because I want it to be a better ally against the right.
#RefugeesWelcome #BringYourFamilies
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