Conveniently walking past the consultation that has taken place, devaluing the input of those who participated.
July '14 - Jan '15.
910 total individuals involved.
192 attended public meetings.
608 responded to a survey.

Only 22% of responses suggested fewer wards.
Only 8% indicated 22-25 wards.

884 people engaged.
112 attended public meetings.
717 completes surveys submitted.

Minimal change
44 wards
Small wards
Large wards
Natural boundaries

Tory's Executive Committee sent them back to look at 44 and 25 wards.
613 individuals and groups participated.
90 attended public meetings.
485 survey responses received.

Testing ward size preferences & specific options.
But let the people speak...

The proposed referendum isn't about giving people a voice - it's about the theatre of consultation.
That theatre of consultation is meant to gloss over the inconvenient outcomes of the process that's already taken place.
A referendum would never be undertaken with the up-front public education campaign necessary to make it meaningful.
Tory isn't standing up for Toronto.
He's standing up for his interest in a more conservative and compliant Council.