Even when they agree with you, people will often go on to do the exact opposite – and hold a grudge for your having argued with them.
Human cognition is flawed, but few recognize this on a deep level.
They are afraid of appearing stupid for being proven wrong, or honestly see themselves as the smartest person in the room.
Some cultures keep dogs as pets, others eat them, still others despise them as filthy animals.
Arguing can be seen as disrespectful and aggressive by its very nature. Even if they were actually open to your arguments, people can resist you in order not to appear weak in public.
Agreement doesn't matter because you can take action on your own and there usually isn't enough reputational gain from being combative.
Shrewd salespeople even use triggering as a powerful sales tactic.
Troll yourself instead – that disarms your opponents, puts you on the high ground and entertains your allies and followers.
The things you build and the monkey stacked in your bank account is much less forgettable. Even transitory deeds have more staying power than words.
No wonder people get aggravated and usually say no when you ask permission – they viscerally sense an agenda.
– with your boss
– in relationships
– with customers and clients
– with bureaucrats (unless legally required, of course)
Make up your mind and don't shift responsibility.
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