⚖️ Decentralization is a legal tactic used alongside activism
⌛ Decentralizing the wrong things is a waste of time
☠️ Decentralizing everything is suicide by bad UX
Thread! 👇
• Napster used p2p to avoid central hosting
• Kazaa decentralized file search, hurting results and quality control
• BitTorrent left search to others (The Pirate Bay). Terrible onboarding but better legal positioning
• Enable a valuable, legally suppressed use case
• Company's products avoid sensitive use case. Let 3rd parties do that
• Tech should be useful outside sensitive use case
BitTorrent checked these boxes. @AugurProject might too!

Their use of OSS, marketing, PR, and implicit reliance on 3rd parties (The Pirate Bay) mattered more
• Website talked about hosting not downloading
• @bramcohen only talked about legal uses. Claimed no profit motive
• Prominent free speech defense on website
• Redundancy via OSS clients
• Outsourced liability to Pirate Bay

• Limewire had a copyright filter, disabled by default. Court reaction: "What? Make it mandatory!"
• Kazaa had a NSFW filter. Court reaction: "So you could filter copyright too!"
Decentralization exploits legal boundaries, exposing rent seeking in anti-competitive industries. BitTorrent created the conditions that allowed Netflix and Spotify to exist
We all won!
P2P file sharing corrected anti-consumer markets for music and movies. Imagine what we can unlock with Bitcoin and Ethereum!
Reflecting "minimum viable decentralization" over time. Limewire was early, Kazaa more usable. BitTorrent's UX was bad, but won legal long game medium.com/@jbackus/minim…
💿 Copyright (BitTorrent)
💰 Anti-money laundering (Bitcoin)
💌 Content/communication (Tor)
Legal battles and tech evolution continues until its too hard to install a filter
• Weaker willed torrent search engines closed
• BitTorrent's protocol evolved
• The Pirate Bay doubles down
Expect same when the US government takes on real crypto companies!
• Can't separate darknet market traffic from anti-censorship on Tor
• BitTorrent protocol is unaware of content
You can't throw out the bath water without throwing out the baby, by design.
I call BitTorrent an "ugly duckling." It didn't seem like a winner until late in the game.
Here's how to spot ugly duck investments: medium.com/@jbackus/inves…
I think a lot of people in crypto are struggling with these questions. I think history provides an answer. Find your "minimum viable decentralization" medium.com/@jbackus/minim…
This isn't my only deep dive into p2p history and crypto! Check out my thread on market dynamics, governance, and monetization:
If you don't follow me yet, I tweet regularly about crypto, decentralization, and p2p. Plenty more to come, stay tuned!