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Thread by @Marianne_M_B: "I just read last paragraph in this excerpt from Brice Taylor’s book and can confirm what she wrote. Also, this is part of what I was used fo […]" #MKultra #mindcontrol #DefundCIA #CrimesAgainstChildren

12 tweets, 5 min read
I just read last paragraph in this excerpt from Brice Taylor’s book and can confirm what she wrote.
Also, this is part of what I was used for on the old Pepperdine Campus as a child before Malibu campus was built.
My mother Dr. Diana Hiatt-Micheal was proud of my ESP skills.
Every time my memories are confirmed by an outside source, to a point that I can’t gaslight myself (which I still work really hard at doing)
I start crying.
It’s like a door to horrible pain/grief is opened and my only response is to cry... alone without comfort, again.
I began reading the online version of Brice Taylor’s (Susan Eckhart Ford) book ‘Thanks for the Memories’ yesterday:…
I’m going to try to share publicly things she has written about that I can confirm/corroborate in hopes that it will help other survivors.
I was taught the same version of Frère Jacques hand game as Brice Taylor except, I was taught to place a thin sewing needle across my middle fingers horizontally just underneath the skin.

#MKultra #mindcontrol
I did try to run away and did it often.
My earliest memory of doing this was when I was approx 3 yrs old.
I packed a little suit case, put the leash on our dog, a Sheltie named Lassie and headed to family friends who I trusted, the Worthams.
Their house was several streets from ours in Pasadena.
But, I only got as far as the corner because I wasn’t allowed to cross the street. I just sat there and cried, not crossing the street. That’s how well the #mindcontrol had me a prisoner even at such a young age.
When I was 16 years old, living in Malibu, in high school, and dating Brent Wortham, I “ran away” to the Wortham’s house in Pasadena.
After many cajoling phone calls, mother ultimately got me to come back because she told me she’d kill my cat, Rousseau, if I didn’t return home.
I knew this wasn’t an idle threat by my mother.

I had many of my kittens “disappear” when I was a child -
Snow Ball
and yes, ultimately Rousseau.
Children like me, who had #MKultra Beta (Sex Kitten)
#mindcontrol programming, identify with being a kitten/cat.
One way to get compliance, have absolute authority, over a child victim, like me who was stronger willed than was good for her, is to kill a pet kitten/cat.
Henry Kissinger was enamored with my ESP skills.
He liked testing me as a little girl by calling me.
I always knew before he called that he would.
I’d wait by the phone in the family room, pick it up at 1st ring and greet him by his special name, before he said a word.
In this passage from Brice Taylor’s book, I highlighted the parts that corroborate with my memories. Our interactions with Henry Kissinger were not alike except as highlighted.

I find it interesting to note that as a grade school child I had a Pixie hair cut as did she.
My interactions w Kissinger started after we moved to Malibu 1970.

I just looked through my old school photos.
In 1973, grade 3, my hair was in a longer Pixie style.
I continued growing it out until Jr. High, when it was cut and
worn in a Toni Tennillesque style.
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