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Thread by @Marianne_M_B: "On 2001 I was jolted awake by the phone ringing. It was my father in law, his panicked voice on the other end, crying in fear […]" #September11th #Sept11th #September11 #TwinTowers

7 tweets, 3 min read
On #September11th 2001
I was jolted awake by the phone ringing.
It was my father in law, his panicked voice on the other end, crying in fear. He asked me where his son was.
I said he’s already in court this morning.
My father law a retired lawyer was a bright, articulate man yet he was nearly unintelligible that morning choking on tears, terrified for his precious little girl. My sister in law, his first born child was a buyer for Macy’s and working in NYC on 9/11/2001.
Papa, as we called my father in law said, “turn on the tv.” My heart racing, I walked on swollen feet carrying my heavily pregnant body to the family room to switch it on and stood phone in hand staring in disbelief as I witnessed the trauma of #911 unfold before me.
I remember holding my bulging belly that carried my beloved baby boy and weeping uncontrollablely.
Soon my little girls came into the room and snuggled up to me. I turned the tv off.
#Sept11th was a day of hearts in our throats until we found out that my sister in law was safe.
It was a week of grief as I learned friends and friends of friends had died on #September11 in the #TwinTowers.
It has been years of lies since #September11th2001,
unanswered questions, laws that took our freedoms away, no justice.
It is time to wake up now.
It is time to wake up now.
It is time to take our country back from this Death Cult that has had US in it’s grip.
For God
For Country
For our children
and their children’s children.

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