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Promises Made-Promises Kept=45 @Trump45awesome
6 years ago, 5 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
Ok here goes follow me on this. Watching the @IngrahamAngle show on fox, and listening intently to this whole thing about the false accusation about Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Dianne Feinstein sat on this letter for months before deciding to release it through Washington Post.
Amazing huh? Anyways, their total intention was not to investigate the false accusation, but only to get Brett Kavanaugh to step down without a fight right? Oops, that did not happen. So now Senator Grassley and the republicans who have taken this seriously are trying to do that!
Well low and behold, the democrats are trying to obstruct an investigation in to the false accusation. LOL. They demanded an investigation, then when it started to happen, the Dems have done nothing but try to stop it. You just can't make this stuff up. Keystone Cops much?
The whole thing has fallen apart. Feinstein's plan didn't work. Brett will be confirmed, and the Dems will be left with one question. Can we win at anything? The answer is no. And now you have just given us more fuel to the fire that is about to descend on this upcoming election
The Red Wave will now be bigger then projected. The American people have had enough of this nonsense. Government acting like a bunch of spoiled rotten children is not what we want. We want our government to be transparent and mature, like adults should be. Good grief, grow up!
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