Something wonderful is unfolding in Kandhamal district, Odisha.
Amidst the encompassing din of hyper nationalism, lynchings & economic gloom which hangs like a shroud over our heads, simple village folks & volunteers are taking giant steps to fight... evils & stigma.
Entire villages are taking the following resolutions:
1. We, the people of (village name) will not have not encourage any physical form of untouchability.
2. All public facilities available in the village; like drinking water source, gramya mandap,.. hall, sorting & grading center etc will be free for everybody to use without any discrimination.
3. All religious places of worship will be free for everyone without any discrimination of caste, creed or religion.
4. Everyone is free to participate in all village
4. Everyone can/will participate in all village functions like marriage/death functions, festivals & celebrations.
Above resolutions are being adopted at Palli Sabhas first & then forwarded to Gram Sabhas for approval.
First reports of success have started trickling in
The first village to adopt this was Sundardanda village, Daringbadi Block, Kandhamal. The village has an ethnic mix of adivasis, dalits & other castes.
Palli Sabha in progress 👇
@iamrana @irfhabib @rkarnad @paranjoygt @svaradarajan @mitalisaran @namita

We have a lot to learn from the simple folks of our villages. While we continue to focus on schisms of caste, creed & religious biases, villagers in one of the poorest districts in our country are charting a resolute path to bridge divides & biases.
Can we learn & emulate?