She’s stumbled onto a big story that our team's been covering for a while… #cdnpoli /t
According to their website, they supported the following Canadian groups as of 2016: /2
Canadian Constitution Foundation
Canadian Taxpayers Federation
The Fraser Institute
Frontier Centre for Public Policy
Institute for Liberal Studies
Justice Centre for Constitution Freedoms
Ludwig Von Mises Institute of Canada
(cont) /3
Manning Centre
Montreal Economic Institute
World Taxpayers Associations
These are some of the most influential Canadian think tanks. And they’re involved with a US libertarian group bankrolled by the Kochs. Let that sink in... /4
But it goes beyond funding. These organizations have built a web of influence in Canada designed to push their rightwing agenda /5
But what is less well-known is that they directly employ American libertarian Atlas-connected speakers: /6
The Canadian branch of the Mises Institute is an Atlas Network partner:… /8
- Marco Navarro-Genie, President, Atlantic Institute for Market Studies
- Troy Lanigan, President of CTF Regina /10
- Michel Kelly-Gagnon, President, Montreal Economic Institute
- Matt Bufton, Executive Director, Institute for Liberal Studies /11
- Gordon Gibson, Senior Fellow, Fraser Institute
You see a pattern here?… /12
Kudos to the Tyee for being the first outlet to question them:… /13
Generation Screwed regularly hosts speakers from the Atlas Network like David Clement. He works at the American Students for Liberty, another Atlas Network group /17

Both are Atlas Network-supported Canadian think tanks:… /18
The 2018 Manning Networking Conference event was even listed on the Atlas Network’s website:… /19

Hopefully more Canadian news organizations start investigating how American dark money is influencing and shaping politics in our country #cdnpoli /20