Here's a tldr THREAD

Matthew Elliott learned his lobbying skills from Grover Norquist, a Washington lobbyist that opposes all tax increases…
Last week, Taxpayers’ Alliance conceded in @shahmiruk case that it had coordinated with eight other Tufton Street organisations to push a free-market ideology and for a hard Brexit in the media.
Another Tufton outfit, the IFT, recently published an 'alternative' post-Brexit US-UK trade deal plan with the Cato Institute — which is funded by the Mercers and Kochs…
@openDemocracyUK has more on this tactic…
The ERG analysis is on Brexit Central, of which Matthew Elliott is Editor-at-Large…
The Kochs and Mercers have been playing this game a long time. A game the Elliotts learned to play in the US. And a game a network of UK lobby groups are now trying to win by pushing for a hard Brexit.
And read the full story on @DeSmogUK here 👉…