Quick question to gauge your understanding.
What is abdominal CT with & without IV contrast?
Abdomen CT with & without contrast involves a non-contrast scan (no IV, no PO) followed by 1 or more scans after IV contrast infusion. This protocol delivers 2⃣-4⃣x more radiation vs abdomen CT with IV contrast & is more expensive for patients & payers.

Abdomen CT with & without IV contrast is appropriate for
1⃣ focal liver mass evaluation
2⃣ adrenal nodule evaluation
3⃣ hematuria* or renal mass evaluation
4⃣ gastrointestinal bleeding*
5⃣ s/p AAA endovascular stent
Reference: choosingwisely.org/clinician-list…
Otherwise, if patients don't have contraindications to IV contrast, order CT abdomen +/- pelvis with IV contrast. The best resource for questions about imaging test or protocol is your radiologist. Give us a call & we will help you pick the best exam and the correct protocol.