somebody send the confederacy a memo about diversity of tactics - you gotta be in the streets & the council chamber NR8a

“i’m not looking to erase history,” he says, “but i wish i could erase slavery. i wish i could erase lynchings. i wish i could erase the death of emmet till.”

the speaker was admonished not to attack an individual councilor, to which he responded “well he was the one who attacked the city!” which was met with laughter from the gallery.

“people need to know the truth, whether it was good or bad.” (somebody tell him about books)

“it’s just somethin’ positive to do for our kids today. please don’t take ‘em down.”
y’all i don’t think jefferson davis has been paying taxes.
honestly he makes about as much sense as the adults who’ve spoken tonight.

“we think of the little girls that were raped every night. we think of the men who were hanged without trials. we think of the people who were beaten until the flesh crawled from their muscles.”
she also asks council to rename the lee bridge and route 1 (jefferson davis highway).
“i used to think educational placards would help... and then charlottesville happened.”
“as a jewish american, when i see the confederate flag, it’s the same as a swastika.” she says when a swastika was spray painted on her home, a confederate flag was left in her mailbox.
councilwoman gray says “i think there’s a lot of confusion about statements that have been made.” — says the primary focus of the legislative packet is school funding.
she says this would be at the expense of “living breathing children”
“i don’t think this is a wise move strategically.”

(oh weird, what happened a year ago?
*stares charlottesville-ly*)
so that makes three councilors who have spoken against the resolution.
this resolution would only give them permission to have the conversation. it doesn’t DECIDE any outcome. they can’t even pretend to stand in solidarity with the people and communities hurt & endangered by these monuments.
“timing is important.” “the timing now i don’t think is appropriate.”
so how long should people of color wait, parker?
what an absolute fucking joke.

pro monument, pro cop, no surprises.
😳 spicy.