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Mark Manoil @manoil4az
6 years ago, 12 tweets, 5 min read Read on Twitter
Thread of my @arizonapbs Arizona Horizon @AZCCEC debate:
This is my great-grandfather, I.M. Christy. He and his brother William served in the Union Army during the Civil War and both would later serve as Arizona Territorial Treasurers.

My ancestors saw endless potential here and I do too! #FourthGen #ManoilForAZ #AZTreasurer
Through my small business, I saw how the reckless actions of our political establishment exacerbated the problems of the recession, devastated entire neighborhoods, & created a crisis of blight that I worked with the city to resolve. #ManoilForAZ #AZTreasurer
As a result of the passage of Prop 108, it takes a supermajority vote in both houses of the legislature to increase the state’s budget. Increases in the budget also include closing tax loopholes, meaning this rule applies to canceling previous corporate tax giveaways.
It doesn’t make sense that we can elect candidates with a simple majority but it takes a vote of over 66% to raise funds for students and teachers. The leg should ask the voters to repeal the cumbersome supermajority requirement for revenue that helped create our current crisis.
During the recession all of our savings & financial planning wasn’t enough. We learned what to prioritize & recovered but the same isn’t true of our government

Politicians gave massive bailouts to the big banks that created the crisis with little to no repercussions!#ManoilForAZ
We need to build wealth locally so our communities aren’t ravaged by Wall Street economic trends.

With a robust, public community banking system in AZ, those neighbors long left behind by the establishment can have access to borrowing power again! #ManoilForAZ #AZTreasurer
Year after year we have had someone in the Treasurer's office who is either there to launch their own political career or line the pockets of their wealthy donors. We don't even know what the Treasurer's office is capable of anymore.
I would like to demonstrate what the Treasurer actually can do by restoring opportunity and integrity to Arizona.
Through community banking, we will bring back investment into our communities the establishment has long since ignored, including capital and favorable terms for small business, housing and community development.
We will be able to provide new solutions for our local cities and towns to improve infrastructure outside of financing by Wall Street! #ManoilForAZ #AZTreasurer
When the government stops working for the people, we must elect new leaders to fix it. I will fight to create opportunity and restore dignity to the Treasurer’s office!

I’m Mark Manoil and I ask for your vote #ManoilForAZ #AZTreasurer
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