A clue might be in the Holocaust denying Labour Council candidate, Alan Bull, who proudly wears the JVL badge. JVL founder Rachel Lever excused his Holocaust denial, saying it was a ‘trap’.
Perhaps JVL leader Jonathan Rosenhead, who revised the details of the Holocaust by claiming zionists were partly responsible for the Holocaust. Historians closed his claims ‘baseless’ and ‘fantasy’ thejc.com/news/uk-news/j…
He holds Jews responsible for Hitler not being stopped earlier and other antisemitic conspiracy theories for which the CST profiled him
Secker believes Israel is behind ISIS and quotes a far right antisemitic website to prove his point
- They defend Livingstone’s historical distortion of Zionist / Nazi collaboration
- They defend JVL member Jackie Walker, who said Jews were ‘chief financiers of the slave trade’