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128.14/ Some of my #Chanukah hot-takes now that this Bird Site is on rails towards a trainwreck:

1) Dreidel is a boring game
2) Latkes are about as tasty as flat potato kugel
3) Sufganiyot are bad donuts
4) The Hasmonean kings were pretty terrible.
128.14b/ Two more #ChanukahHotTakes
5) Dairy "gelt" aren't worth it (but pareve is always useful)
6) It's not a minor holiday. Tu B'Av - mentioned in the Gemara - is "minor." #Hanukkah has full Hallel, Al Ha-Nisim, Torah reading, active mitzvot (neirot), etc. It's high Rabbinic.
Read 6 tweets
73.01/ Week seventy-three, Dec. 4-10, 2021, thread here. #ShavuaTov #ChodeshTov #ChanukahSameach

Week 72 below.
73.02/ Find someone who loves you as much as a self-appointed gabbai loves banging on the bimah before shemona esrei to remind us to remember Al-Hanissim (or yell out "Asher Yatzarta!" at mussaf)
73.03/ I must have spent half of my waking hours over Shabbas in shul or benching. And as a synagogue enthusiast, I like the rarity of needing 3 sifrei Torah, but holy schnitzel it takes a long time.
Read 22 tweets
Let's talk about cheese latkes, #Chanukah, and powerful women ✊

Cheese latkes are a traditional Ashkenazi #Hanukkah dish that combines two holiday foods, oil and cheese.

While the cheese might be less known, it has IMO a far cooler story: Judith.

(See @TheRaDR thread below).
The story of Judith, a mythological tale from the Book of Judith, a book of the Biblical Apocrypha (my favorite part of the Bible, in some ways), is the story of a Jewish woman heroine.

A woman who uses her power to sacrifice, seduce, help her community, and destroy patriarchy >
> literally.

She befriends an evil general who is out to kill - and rape.
Serves him some salty cheese 🧀
He gets thirsty.
She offers him wine to quench his sleep 🍷
He gets drunk, the drunkest he has ever been.
She cuts his head off.
And places it HER FOOD BAG!
Read 6 tweets

#Hanukkah isn't the only miracle we're celebrating today.

Today, November 29th marks another miraculous moment in the history of our country 🇮🇱.

On this day in 1947, the @UN voted on establishing what would be become the modern state of #Israel. Image
While our modern history begins with the historic General Assembly vote on a wintery #November day, the history of the Jewish people in the land of Israel began 3,000+ years ago.

This was long before the battle of the #Maccabees & the battles that Israel would fight to survive.
33 countries voted in favor of the resolution, 13 against, 10 abstained & the rest is history.

Read 4 tweets
I hate all the "#Chanukah is just a minor holiday" and "historically #Hanukkah wasn't a big deal holiday" talk.

Hasidic Jews, and others following Kabbalistic teachings, have made a huge deal out of it for centuries.

Big enough to call it (Day 8) a High Holidays extension!

I get that we hate the comparisons to Kratzmach (the Yiddish nickname for Christmas), and the commercialization of #Hanukka. Yes, it's not one of the 3 biblical festivals, but after that, it's undoubtedly the biggest holiday - albeit in many ways even bigger.

Some details:

- #Chanukah is seen as in some ways even higher than "big" holidays, exactly because it's weekdays. It makes it's spiritual/cultural significance even better.

- the food: latkes, donuts, oil food, festive meals, etc. predate commercialization.

- gifts, in form of money >

Read 6 tweets
1/n #Hanukkah comes super early this year – it starts tonight! – and in fact, this is the earliest that it *can* occur. Let’s talk about why that’s so! (thread 🧵 ) #Hanukkah2021
2/ The date of #Hanukkah is determined (no surprise) by the Hebrew calendar, not by the Gregorian calendar. More specifically, Hanukkah begins on the 25th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev...
3/ The Hebrew calendar is “lunar-solar,” which means it uses months based on the cycle of the moon’s phases, but also attempts to synch up with the annual cycle of the seasons…
Read 9 tweets
Happy #Hanukkah
[Photo: Kabul, Afghanistan by @paulaphoto/@GettyImages)]
Every year our card for Hanukkah, Christmas & New Year contains a picture that aims at inspiring personal moral reflection about the world we all live in. This year's photo was taken in August 2021 in Kabul, Afghanistan by Paula Bronstein.
Read 3 tweets
72.01/ Week seventy-two, Nov. 27-Dec. 3, 2021, thread begins here.

Week 71 below.
72.02/ Schoolhouse Rock is on Disney+! I couldn't resist going through all the grammar episodes the instant I found out.…
72.03/ Re: the embarrassing #Steelers loss and the state/fate of the team going forward; this thread is pretty much on the money. This is one year in the midst of a rebuild. (I'd like to see the DC go too, though. He's coasted on talent too long)
Read 25 tweets
#China's crackdown on its tiny congregation of #Jews. ~100 practising in a community of ~1,000. That such a small group can attract the #CommunistParty’s ire shows how far the suppression goes @TelegraphWorld @Telegraph… #religiousfreedom #Hanukkah
Ancestors of those in #China claiming Jewish heritage – prob merchants from Persia – settled >1,000 yrs ago in Kaifeng, then a bustling imperial capital during Northern Song Dynasty. Through dynasties, wars, natural disasters, Cultural Revolution, they kept their history alive
Pressure now renewed under Chinese leader Xi Jinping's campaign against foreign influence, unsanctioned religions - all part of push to 'Sinicise' faith in #China. But the Kaifeng #Jews are a resilient bunch - as I discovered on a recent visit
Read 8 tweets
22.01/ #ShavuaTov & happy 3rd night of #Hanukkah

Week 22, Dec 12-18, thread begins here.

Week 21 was here:
22.02a/ Well Obama wasn't a real American, Biden not a real president and Jill Biden not a real doctor. This is a common gripe by anti-intellectuals & #Literalists who believe physicians own "doctor" when they actually stole it from PhDs

22.02b/ But let's be clear about why she actually deserves to use the title - aside from my own standard argument that I earned the degree - Dr. Biden is currently employed as a professor in a university. It's her job title, ya trolls! It's as valid as calling her "First Lady"
Read 38 tweets
Estamos por comenzar #januca, la celebración de la victoria de los débiles contra los fuertes, de la santidad contra lo profano, de la luz contra la oscuridad. Pero: ¿cómo se cumple con el festejo? Sale #hilo con las leyes y costumbres de la fiesta de las luminarias.
La finalidad de la fiesta es recordar, agradecer y difundir los milagros que Dios hizo por el pueblo judío en su guerra y victoria contra el poderoso ejército griego y la reinauguración de Beit Hamikdash (pueden encontrar la historia completa en: ).
Al restaurar y consagrar nuevamente el Templo tras la profanación helénica, se encontró aceite apto para el encendido del candelabro pero solo suficiente para un día. Milagrosamente, alcanzó para ocho jornadas, tiempo necesario para la producción de nuevo óleo.
Read 24 tweets
21.01/ Continuing my thread project; week 21: Dec 6-11, 2020

Week 20 here
21.02/ Dad achievement unlocked: my thermostat is so low we need to wear sweaters in the house.

Took years to reach this level, I have so many people to thank, starting with my own father (shlit"a)...
21.03/ This is a great point below.

BTW, for me the only way boys have been 'easier' to raise than girls is that I have more first-hand experience (e.g. put your glasses in your kippah by the bedside to protect from breakage). That's it.
Read 17 tweets
18.01/ Shavua Tov, all. In 2020, our reporters have replaced action heroes.
18.02/ Since his entire presidency has been conducted through Twitter, his saying "He won" constitutes a concession. Let's go!
Read 30 tweets
8 valuable #Hannukah history facts:

1. The war waged by the Maccabees was exclusively to repel religious suppression not to attain sovereignty. (Prayer Text)

2. The complete defeat of the Greeks happened many years after the #Hanukkah miracle. (Josephus)
3. The Maccabees never achieved full sovereignty in the Holy land they were just afforded autonomy under the Roman empire. Which they held on for over 200 years.

4. Their autonomy allowed them to run a Jewish theocracy which is the only purpose of a Jewish Kingdom and State.
5. Talmud unambiguously states that #Hanukkah was established because of the oil miracle. Not about war victories or sovereignty.

6. While we do praise God for the victories and we somewhat commemorate it, nonetheless for the war victories alone #Hannukah would not existed.
Read 4 tweets

And the need to Define, Understand, and Cleanse

I’m not going to rewrite the story of Hanukah. You can find that everywhere stories of differing historical depth and detail.
1) #Hanukkah #HappyHanukkah
The Jews who objected 2 the aggressiveness of the Greek-Syrian regime in its attempts to destroy Judaism & objected to the tactics of those upper-class Jews who collaborated a/the regime against the culture & beliefs of their own people rose up & fought 4 what they believed & won
Their victory inspires Jewish youth today, but for most of the 2000 years of exile, this was not always the case. The Book of Maccabees was excluded from the Tanakh by our Sages lest it inflames Jewish youth & endangers their Jewish communities....3) #Maccabbees
Read 17 tweets
THREAD: In 2014, @Wikistrat made headlines for 2 correct Ukraine forecasts "beating the CIA."

More correct Wikistrat analysis afterwards included Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Hit piece after hit piece followed with accusations of murder the latest /1
@Wikistrat In January 2014 @Wikistrat analysts forecasted the potential for the Ukrainian president to resign (which he did a month later) and for Russia to annex Crimea (which it did 2 months later), beating the U.S. intelligence community… /2
@Wikistrat In fact, @Wikistrat had *many* simulations, discussion threads, and wargames analyzing how social media turbocharges Soviet "reflexive control," enabling the RU to corrupt democracy, including the 2016 U.S. presidential election /3

Read 39 tweets
Momentarily at a @WhiteHouse #Hanukkah celebration, @POTUS is to sign an executive order intended to combat anti-Semitism on US college campuses.
@WhiteHouse @POTUS "The Jewish faith is a cherished part of our family," says @POTUS.
Read 10 tweets
#Hanukkah is in 2 weeks.🕎 1/
Did you know the City of #Jerusalem was liberated on the Eve of Hanukkah, not only by the Maccabees, but by the British Army under Gen. Allenby in 1917.

The conditions of the Jews were terrible. Read what Hemdah Ben-Yehuda wrote:
#Hanukkah is in 2 weeks. 2/
But it was to be the day of Deliverance. After years of famine, persecution, disease, and arrest, Hemdah Ben-Yehuda wrote:
#Hanukkah is in 2 weeks. 3/
Even British Gen. Allenby understood the religious significance. This is a British report attributed to Allenby:
Read 4 tweets
Let’s join #ChungkingMansion CULTURAL TOUR tomorrow (25.10)!

Our ethnic minorities friends will show us around the building & let’s get to know & respect each other
— HKer is not defined by race

#WeConnect #WeAreHongKongers
#重慶大廈 #文化交流 #Socialinclusion ImageImageImage
Have you tried the #curry tonight?
🇭🇰 #WeAreHongKongers & #WeConnect with food tonight🤤

重慶大廈 #重慶大廈感謝日
#UST南亞仔 #YellowShop #黃店
#currychallenge #ChungKingMansion ImageImageImage
每逢 #光明節,印度教盛行之地,到處能見地上這個畫案,叫 #rangoli

導遊先生解釋 時,用咗廣東話勁貼地咁講:「我哋喺光明節嘅時候,每家每戶都會畫個 rangoli⋯⋯

「⋯去 #光復我哋屋企!」

Happy Diwali our friends🇮🇳!

#Pazu薯伯伯 #GoodLuck #Hanukkah
#光復香港 #重慶大廈 #重慶感謝日 Image
Read 5 tweets
In honour of the Jewish holiday of #Chanukah now, I'm going to make a THREAD here with some powerful Chanukah images (c/- @yadvashem) from 'Before, During and After the #Holocaust'.

Starting with this, perhaps most powerful one: Kiel, Germany (1932)

@yadvashem Lodz, Poland, 1943, #Hanukkah in the Ghetto. 2/
@yadvashem Berlin, Germany, 1930s, a lit Hanukkah candelabrum on #Hanukkah. 3/
Read 10 tweets
I have been assigned the task of filling this room with balloons. 1 done, 599 to go. #Hanukkah Image
200 and counting. Fingers raw. Image
Can’t believe I’m only halfway done. (There’s a boy buried in there) Image
Read 8 tweets
Another Day Another Hate Crime: Mad began hurling anti-semitic slurs before attempting to run over a group of identifiable Orthodox Jews.
This Must End.…
Another Day Another Hate Crime: 11-year-old Jewish child was attacked in what may be another hate crime in Brooklyn.
This Must End.…
Another Day Another Hate Crime:
West Seattle Crime Watch: Anti-Semitic vandalism outside local Jewish families’ homes.
This Must End.…
Read 78 tweets

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