that ppl who are homeless will move to SF to receive services if SF spends more $ on services. As a homelessness
researcher, wanted to add what research (here & elsewhere) says about this
speaking about homelessness & every city thinks that ppl come from other
cities to them) 2/9
True everywhere, even though myth of movement persists. Some migration, but no clear patterns. 3/9
move after homelessness—but in and outmigration similar so little to no net change. @SteveMetraux 4/9
disrupted family support, lost healthcare, left their churches & community. They are not receiving support for
housing, but moved to find housing they could afford. This is common 7/9
move for services, answer: NO. THIS IS OUR HOME. When we make decisions about policies, let’s
make them on facts, not fears. 8/9
#HousingFirst works. Facts, not fear. 9/end