As of this moment they have Ds at 214, Rs at 190, and 31 not called.
Further, there will be some recounts. Probably not enough to make the difference, but important to do.
There can also be events that turn out to be of such importance that a party's actual majority on key votes is not reliable.
But more importantly:
I'm sure most D voters haven't grasped this fact. As we did before Tuesday, we can enjoy knowing how the American system of government works, & what is likely ahead for Ds.
But Trump's GOP are un-stacking the courts. And it is going to burn.
We really did #DefyHistory. We got the BIG prize.
The House is only 2 years & it doesn't un-stack the courts, or exec branch officials.
Got a subpoena? No problem. Just plead the 5th like Ds always do. Meanwhile, ACTUAL investigations are going on at the FBI, DOJ & OIGs in other agencies, which WE CONTROL.
Go to for the live feed and later transcript.
Ds 221
Rs 194
Still counting 20
So, even if we got all 20, which we won't they still win. And I'm still not worried, for the reasons stated above.
Wait for POTUS to speak. It'll be good.