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Graviscera @gravislizard
6 years ago, 14 tweets, 4 min read Read on Twitter
I am continually amazed that the most delicious thing I've ever eaten is a pizza I make in the oven in less then twenty minutes that only has sauce, bell peppers, mushrooms and cheese
immediately after I hit tweet I opened the oven and took out a pixel perfect "Domino's deep dish except not gross"
the recipe for this is dead simple there's almost no reason not to make pizza at home if you have an oven and a big cast iron pan, you don't even need to make dough, you can buy dough
go to the store. buy:
- 1 ball premade pizza dough. If your store sells take and bake pizzas they definitely have this
- 1 jar "pizza sauce" (kroger is excellent)
- 2 cups shredded mozzerella
- 1 bell pepper & 1 mushroom
- or -
- big bag pepperonis
put iron pan on stove. oil it pretty good. turn ball of dough out into pan, sprinkle flour on it. press the dough out into the pan, just press down and out and it'll fill the pan most of the way, then tease it with your fingertips. takes practice; second time you'll nail it.
3 big spoonfuls of pizza sauce. spread it around, you won't get it consistent, it's ok. turn the heat on the stove to about 6 (typical electric stove, probably like 4? 5? on a gas stove) at this point. spread cheese on the dough until you almost can't see it
(sorry i should have said earlier to chop up that bell pepper but i figure you realized that you can't put a whole pepper on there)
spread the toppings out on the cheese. don't completely cover it, you should still see some bare cheese
sprinkle some cheese on top. maybe half as much as you put on the dough.

i'm not sure how long to cook it, i keep forgetting to time it. you're crisping up the bottom so it doesn't take much but you'll know it's Goin when you hear hissing and bubbling. maybe 3 minutes
if you overdo it a little you'll get a crispier bottom but probably not burnt. if it comes out burnt, time it next time and don't cook it on the stovetop so long
i *also* forgot to say earlier that before all this you should have preheated the oven to 500 degrees, sorry this recipe is a mess, yeah they go that hot, i know, nothing ever tells you to do that but it should be 500 degrees. ok now pop the pan in the oven for 10 minutes
that's it. in ten minutes you'll take it out and it's done. you'll need a pie turner to get it out of the pan probably and you want to slide ti around the rim to break the cheese loose first. don't burn yourself, the pan is 500 degrees.
this takes like 30 minutes from beginning to end, tops, the only prep is cutting up the pepper. if you're doing pepperoni it's even less work, you just spread em out. it's seriously like. it's like "grilled cheese" simple.
if your grocery store doesn't carry premade dough it's not *hard* to make yourself but i completely admit that it escalates the effort and risk considerably. my point is more: a lot of people can get premade dough, so don't worry about making it from scratch
the fred meyer stuff is like $1.99 and it makes a dang good bread
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