🎵 My VPCE... 🎵
🎶 You connect privately with a VPCE 🎶
🎶 No az-hour charges, that's the way you do it 🎶
🎶 Private connection for nothin' with a VPCE 🎶
🎶 Let me tell ya PrivateLink is dumb 🎶
🎶 Find out on your next bill 🎶
🎶 Wonder where those new charges came from 🎶
🎶 Connect them to our VPCs 🎶
🎶 We've got to have one per availability zone 🎶
🎶 We've got to pay those per hour fees 🎶
🎶 I need to get it off my Internet Gateway 🎶
🎶 I thought VPCEs would always be free 🎶
🎶 But now it looks like I've got to pay 🎶
🎶 I'm banging my head on my keyboard like this is GCP 🎶
🎶Now VPCEs, that's the way you do it 🎶
🎶Get your private connection for nothin' with a VPCE 🎶
🎶 Connect them to our VPCs 🎶
🎶 We've got to have one per availability zone 🎶
🎶 We've got to pay those per hour fees 🎶
🎶 You connect privately with a VPCE 🎶
🎶 No az-hour charges, that's the way you do it 🎶
🎶 Private connection for nothin' with a VPCE 🎶
🎶 I want my 🎶
🎶 I want my VPCE 🎶
🎶 I want my 🎶
🎶 I want my 🎶
🎶 I want my VPCE 🎶