- Support 48% 👈
- Oppose 34%
- Don't know 18%
Large margin 14% to support a #PeoplesVote!
- Strongly support 9% 🤔
- Somewhat support 28% 🤔
- Neither support nor oppose 26%
- Somewhat oppose 13%
- Strongly oppose 22%
- Don't know 2%
Who do you think you are kidding @DailyMailUK?

Q5. If the Government was to lose the vote, which of the following comes closest to your view?
- Theresa May should resign as PM 48% 👈
- Theresa May should not resign as PM 40%
- Don't know 12%
Margin of 8%
Q6. EU said Brexit agreement is the only one on table. If Govt was to lose the vote in House of Commons, what do you think EU would do?
- Offer UK more concessions 38%
- Not offer UK more concessions 44% 👈
- Don't know 18%
- The government's Brexit agreement 35%
- Leaving the EU without a deal 41%
- Don't know 24%
That's not looking like what the @DailyMailUK's headline says at all....

- Government's Brexit agreement 37%
- #Remain in EU 46%
- Don't know 17%
Now this is the bombshell, @DailyMailUK!
That would explain why Theresa May refuses a #PeoplesVote...
Q9. If there was referendum tomorrow with following options on ballot paper, which would you support?
- Leaving EU with no deal 40%
- Remain in EU 50%
- Don't know 11%
THAT should be front page news!
#Remain would win: 10% margin!
- Remain 44%
- Govt Brexit Agreement 22%
- Leaving EU with no deal 29%
#Remain would be their first choice for 44% of voters in #PeoplesVote.
Strongly agree 15% 🤔
Somewhat agree 37%
Neither agree nor disagree 23%
Somewhat disagree 6%
Strongly disagree 13%
Don't know 5%
You took a huge shortcut there @DailyMailUK

- Governments Brexit agreement passing HoC 46%
- Labour Govt 31% 🤔
- Don't know 24%
Careful @DailyMailUK, they don't favour TM but her plan!

- @Theresa_May 31%
- @JeremyCorbyn 23%
- Neither 37% 👈
- Don't know 10%
Still sure you want to go ahead with the TV debate, guys?
- There should be other politicians in the debate 46% 👈
- It should just be @Theresa_May and @JeremyCorbyn 38%
- Don't know 16%
Where did you find this question?
It is not in @Survation's polls report.........
Have we read the same report or have you just invented that question and that result????
Here is the report with all results: survation.com/daily-mail-tab…

Interesting to see that, unable to change the printed front page for obvious reasons, @DailyMailUK has published their article on the @Survation poll with an edit: "humiliating" has gone!
Pic1: Original print version
Pic2: Online version
Pic3: Close up of online version