What I find strange is that his own attorney outed him. When this was published, I couldn't find any other info on him, nor could I find any local news reports about a raid.
He also supposedly gave the same info to Congress - to the Senate and House Intelligence Committees.
However, the article seems to infer that Cain still had files/documents in his possession, which I think would be illegal.

"In addition to his experience as an attorney and legal advisor, Mr. Socarras is a principal and shareholder in a private equity company active in South America focusing on sustainable energy and resource investments."
Guess who his former partner was?
It was Joseph Schmitz.
That person, the former Trump camp adviser, was Joseph Schmitz.
It also says he brought it to "at least two federal agencies & two congressional committees,"
Well, now, doesn't that sound a LOT like Dennis Nathan Cain?
Peter Smith, who supposedly committed suicide last year at some point, after trying to obtain Hillary Clinton's missing emails from Russian hackers.
Alternate Source: archive.is/7UjSR
I found the original WSJ journal article and it's archived here:
*Implied* being the key word, not to mention that all this was published by the WSJ AFTER Peter Smith supposedly killed himself.
He was supposedly found with a bag over his head that had helium attached, and left a note stating "NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER."
Ortel knew Smith personally, spoke to him the day before he committed suicide, and said Smith gave NO indications that he was about to kill himself.
Stone said he did that, in part, b/c of an email he was copied on between Charles Ortel and Fox News reporter James Rosen.
Corsi had claimed that Ted Malloch was so alarmed by the FBI, that he called Corsi DURING his FBI Interview. 🙄

Farage interviewed him and met him a few times, but said other than that, he didn't know anything about him or why he was questioned by the FBI.
Interesting, though, that they all link back to #Russiagate in one way or another.
This is the also the same Schmitz who was mentioned by....guess who?
#Papadopoulos' wife, Simona. Simona claimed that she suggested Papadopoulos should use Joseph Schmitz' brother, John Schmitz, an attorney, but "they" didn't let him.

Anyway, not sure why, but this is yet another interesting connection.
Simona also claims to have worked for John Schmitz.