@cosmoquestX is a long-running community science project mapping the solar system. Ethics are good, science is good, proven results, published papers, all that jazz.
But their NASA grant was cut short.
You can donate here: tiltify.com/+cosmoquest-su…
Bonus: A 40hr livestream is going on NOW (& I may just be a surprise guest popping by for gleeful doom).
I’m visiting @cosmoquestX’s fundraising livestream next! I’m down for getting unnervingly cheerful about doom, running through current events, diving into scifi science, or wherever your curiosity leads.
Tune in NOW for @BadAstronomer talking death from the skies (& just maybe a wee bit of fanboy squealing over my beloved Stargate), and I’ll be joining in +1hr from now for MORE DOOM.
Bonus: Fluffy is all decked up for the holidays.

Watch along & donate here: tiltify.com/+cosmoquest-su…
(Yes, Fluffy is with me & all decked out)