1 #GetTonyAFlypast
2 He’d love to get some tarmac on the memorial steps so #GetTonySomeNewSteps
Determined to sort 4 him

I’ll post it on here later too 👍🏻

I’ve just told him the good news that @Ameyplc have agreed to redo the memorial steps and tarmac the path. THIS IS AMAZING!
#GetTonySomeNewSteps ✅
Winnie also wants to #GetTonyAFlypast ✈️

Not there yet but🤞🏻🤞🏻#GetTonyAFlypast ✈️

This is part 1...
Part 2...
Lt John Kriegshauser (Missouri) - pilot
2nd Lt Lyle Curtis (Idaho) - co-pilot
2nd Lt John Humphrey (Illinois) - navigator
Melchor Hernandez (California) - bombardier
Charles Tuttle (Kentucky) - gunner
Robert Mayfield (Illinois) - radio operator
Vito Ambrosio (New York) -gunner
Malcolm Williams (Oklahoma) - gunner
Maurice Robbins (Texas) - gunner
Tuttle, Estabrooks & Robbins still lie at Madingley cemetery in Cambridgeshire along with nearly 4000 other US servicemen.

Dan, walked through endcliffe park with mum yesterday afternoon. Lovely to see a diverse audience greeting and warmly listening to Tony. Small crowd was forming, all eager to pay their respect. He sounded proud & looked well
Tony: (laughing) Dan, what have you done?
Me: What do you mean?
Me: I put it on social media Tony... lots of people have seen it. They are reading it all over the world
Tony: Really?
Me: Yes
Me: What did they ask you Tony?
Me: How long were you there?
I can’t wait to see his face if people really do #TurnUpForTony on the 75th anniversary on February 22nd. If we pull off the flypast... well... WOW🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻#GetTonyAFlypast

Chances are, you’ll find Tony there too 👊🏻

So, if you want to help... come on twitter... do your thing #GetTonyAFlagpole
Let me know 🇺🇸👍🏻

Here is Tony, after years of silent service, telling just some of the people who visited today the story of the 10 men who saved his life on February 22nd 1944. Happy New Year 👍🏻


So #GetTonySomeNewSteps ✅
Still working on that flypast 🤞🏻