The voting has ended!
- nearly 5,000 votes
- The most voted for was Blue at 46% and he actually threw the slowest: 90.9 mph 🤔
- Green was the winner at 95 mph!
- pitching mechanics are hard
Some thoughts and a breakdown of Green's mechanics below ⬇️
So here's the data:
- Height- 6'7
- Weight- 225 lbs
- (this helps)
- this pitch was 95 mph. Has hit triple digits before.
- elbow flexion: 109 degs
- should abduction: 94 degs
- huge scap load, shoulder horizontal abduction: 93 degs
general notes: really clean and efficient, sets up the rest of the arm action nicely to deploy appropriately.
- lateral trunk tilt: only 7 degs
- trunk holding counter-rotation until the last moment
Does a really good job at holding an efficient torso position. If the trunk were to rotate any earlier, it would pull the arm out of scap load too soon.
- pelvis opens on time.
- Leg plants and braces almost immediately
- Lead leg block combined with position of the hips at plant facilitates faster pelvis rotation and transfers up the chain
Or maybe you don't? I can't say that if everyone just hits those metrics, they'll throw 95 mph, because the equation is much more complex. These are just pieces to the puzzle that make up your mechanics