In 2017 the towns of #Coligny & nearby Lichtenburg were the scene of extensive rioting following the death of a teen, Matlhomola Mosweu, who died en route to the police station after being apprehended by 2 white farmers for allegedly stealing sunflowers.

They pleaded not guilty, claiming that the teen had jumped from the back.
They were found guilty of murder, kidnapping, intimidation, theft, & pointing a firearm.…
The chaotic scenes were all over the news.…

The SA Media, who breathlessly reported the murder, are now mostly quiet about the truth...
The #Coligny incident was covered more by the English South African Media than their coverage of ALL #FarmMurders over a 2 year period.

1.) A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
2.) Race-baiting & outrage gets clicks/votes.
3.) Opportunistic media outlets & political parties are the biggest destroyers of SA's social fabric.