गते वर्षे (2017) अहं संस्कृतस्य पठनम् आरब्धवान् । तस्मात् पूर्वं कथम् आरम्भं करोमि इति चिन्तित्वा इतस्ततः भ्रमणं करोमि स्म। शाश्वत-परिहाराय मया अन्तरजालेन “तीव्रं संशोधनं” कृतम् (J)। सुदीर्घस्य अन्वेषणस्य परिणामफलम् इत्येव अभवत् …….
……. स्पष्ठं उत्तरं लब्धम् यत् संस्कृतस्य पठनं नैव क्लिष्टा न च कठिना ।
अस्मिन् समये तन्त्रज्ञानस्य पुरोगमनेन संस्कृतस्य पठनं अति-सरलम् अस्ति । कोऽपि, कुत्रापि संस्कृतस्य पठनं कर्तुं शक्नोक्ति । नैव क्लिष्टा न च कठिना
अहं मन्ये मया सदृशः अनेकाः अन्वेषकाः भारते लोकै च भवन्ति स्युः । आगामि कतिचन कूजनेन (tweets) मम संशोधनस्य परिणामफलम् आङंगलेय-भाषायां अहं प्रदर्शयामि। एतानि सङ्ग्रहणानि आगामि-छात्रेभ्यः प्रयोजनं कुरवन्ति – इति मम अभिलाषा ।
एषा शृङ्खला केवलम् आरम्भम् एव अस्ति । अनेकानि उदाहरणानि सन्ति। भवन्तस्सर्वे अपि अपराणि उदाहरणानि कृपया शृङ्खलायां योजयित्वा यथावत् प्रचारणं कुर्वन्तु । जयतु संस्कृतम् ।
[ अशुद्ध भाषायै क्षम्यताम् ]
@udayanah @yaajushi @SriVBasu @vezhamukhan
You want to learn Samskritam. Diver deeper into Bharatiya culture and Dharma. You are busy. Can I learn Samskritam? YES – it is QUICK and it is EASY.
How long will it take? 6 months to become familiar. 1 year to read comfortably and follow conversations.
How can I Do It? There are multiple paths. I am going to share 7 different methods that are available to anyone across the world.
Your schedule is tought. You learn differently. Does NOT matter…
Learn Samskritam When You Want It, Where You Want It!
You will find the right approach that will work for you.
All you need is a “hunger to learn” and dedication. This is going to be far, far, easier than you expect
Ask anyone who has learnt Samskritam over the past 2-3 years – you will hear the same message ..
I am Evidence No 1 !
Show me HOW ?
I will share 7 options to get started. Works across time, energy or money challenges.
1. Structured Course 2. Learning by Speaking 3. Learning via Shlokas 4. Text Books 5. Websites 6. eLearning Apps and Tutoring 7. Comics
1: Structured Course
If you prefer a structured program to know and become comfortable with Samskritam, a guided “course-like” program may be the right approach for you! This approach is actually the most popular and also has the maximum chance of success
Samskrita Bharati runs the most popular structured program in the world and is an excellent option. It is available in 30+ countries and accessible from anywhere in the world.
You CANNOT go wrong here!
Check out the Samskrita Bharati website here
Samskrita Bharati has 4 course levels, with optional exams and certifications. Each course takes 6 months to complete and comes with (a) Text Book with lesson plan (b) YouTube videos for each lesson (c) Optional live Webinars for answering doubts.
The levels are (a) PraveshaH (b) ParichayaH (c) Shiksha and (d) Kovida. In 2 years you can complete the entire course. By the end of year 1 you will be able to read, write and understand spoken Samskritam. By year 2 you will be speaking….
Some of you may be starting to read Ramayana and Bhagavad Gita. All of you hopefully will be tweeting in Samskritam.
Samskrita Bharati Distance Learning Program is very effective for those who learn best within a structured program.
The exams are optional if you want to check progress. The lessons are well designed and interesting. This program is an excellent and smooth way to get started. The fees are also quite nominal
There are nearly 400 videos that cover all the 4 courses.
Click links for the BEGINNER’S course (PraveshaH) and SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube channel.
HINDI medium:
ENGLISH medium:
Many others are doing great work in introducing Samskritam to beginners.
VYOMA LABS - 10 Lesson course “Getting Started with Sanskrit for Free” sanskritfromhome.in/course/sanskri…
They have also special topics like vibhakti / Kridanta etc. that are outstanding! Kudos.
IIT Kharagpur has 20 videos – An excellent introduction to Basic Samskritam. Check out
Sanskrit.Today: Another good resource sanskrit.today/sanskrit-begin…
Free Sanskrit Class videos at
Kids learn a language by speaking – so can you!
Sanskrit Sansthan has 120+ videos that teach you by an easy “action method” and help you move from speaking simple to complex Samskritam sentences. Lession 1:
Speaking method has many advantages – a natural learning style that is NOT via learning grammar first. You glide in smoothly and start understanding its rhythms and nuances. This is very effective and many people swear by this– you may soon be one of them!
3: Learn through Shlokas
If your primary motive is to learn the scriptures/Dharma, then this may be right for you. Bonus-you learn Samskritam also while diving deep into Bhagavad Gita or the Ramayana!
Check if this is the right way for you….
-Learning via Bhagavad Gita: Series of Structured YouTube Videos :
-Learning via Ramayana: Self Learning with English translation valmiki.iitk.ac.in
The Gita series is explicitly designed to do both - teach Gita and Samskritam.
If text books are your thing, a slew of standard school text books/ specially written text books for self-learning are available.
Advantage includes a design that all of us are familiar with since childhood – no need to tell us how this works
Example: Sanskrit Svayam Shikshak by Shri. Satvalekar. This is in Hindi and is well designed.
Part 1 can be accessed here: archive.org/download/Sansk…
Shri. Satvalekar Part 2 and 3 can be accessed here:
Example: The FREE NCERT Samskritam text books + videos can be an excellent option. Class VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII available to everyone.
FLIPBook: epathshala.nic.in/e-pathshala-4/…
PDF: ncertbooks.guru/ncert-books/
Class VI onwards – PDF Files
VI: drive.google.com/file/d/1UH6RZQ…
VII: drive.google.com/file/d/1oAEMpX…
VIII: drive.google.com/file/d/1Hb4qFi…
Free YouTube Videos of the NCERT Textbook Lessons: Online SamskrTutotial:
While many people may have nightmares learning a language from school text books, this can still be an effective and free method if you are up to it!
5: Websites
Multiple websites teach Samskritam.
a) sanskrit.samskrutam.com/en.grammar-tut…
b) learnsanskrit.org
c) acharya.gen.in:8080/sanskrit/lesso…
d) learnsanskritonline.com
Frankly speaking I’m NOT a fan of this approach! This is more a reference source.....
6: eLearning Apps and Tutoring
There are many eLearning apps for Samskritam. Many are either stand-alone apps or 1-1 tutoring services. Others can be combined with app and tutoring. The pricing varies by the level of service and hourly rate of tutors
Example: App on Baasha platform by Samskrita Bharati Kerala on Google Play or iTunes
Example: Flash Card App
Both of the above Apps have designs features similar to the popular duolingo. While I am not a big fan of the memorizing approach, this may work well for others - at least in practicing the grammar !
Example: App as well as an eLearning program PLUS private TUTORS who will work with you.
Check out if these are better for you openpathshala.com or apnacourse.com/course/sanskri…
I don’t have personal experience, hence caveat emptor!
I have saved the best for the last! If you read comics during maths class, this is for you. Read Chandamama comics and learm Samskritam.
Now you really have NO EXCUSE to NOT Start learning Samskritam :-)
link archive.org/details/Chanda…
As you can see, no matter where you are located, whatever your style of learning, there is a method that works for you.
The most popular ones are the structured courses. Learning by Speaking and Learning via Shlokas are also very popular and effective
Samskrita Bharati is by far the most widespread organization while there are many others who provide excellent options based on learning styles.
Pick one that works for you!
In 6 months you will be reading and writing Samskritam fluently.
Next year this time, you will be speaking Samskritam and tweeting
So what are you waiting for?
It is easy and simple. Get moving and #StartupSamskritam !
वदतु संस्कृतम् । जयतु संस्कृतम्
H/T @archan_dave for highlighting an excellent introductory course by Sri Chitrapur Math
HEARING Samskritam seems to be a popular recommendation as the first step to learning Samskritam.
Adding a great source to listen to Samskritam on a regular basis – Vaarta Sanskrit New by Doordarshan Subscribe and enjoy..
h/t @hymnoptera. Adding an excellent approach to learn Samskritam the “Simple Way” by श्री SL Abyankar. Beautiful, easy paced lesson plans, written well and a joy to read!
A lot of thought has gone behind this wonderful effort-kudos!
Check out ONGC’s comprehensive site for learning Samskritam. Tutorials, songs, text books + more
@ONGC_ @CMD_ONGC has been doing amazing CSR work for Samskritam. Hats off to the management and CSR team! True nation building..
h/t @baharampuri
Madras Sanskrit College runs an excellent structured Online course ‘संस्कृत प्रवेशिका’ for beginners. The course covers all key introductory topics in an engaging manner. An overview of the course and pedagogy - digital.madrassanskritcollege.edu.in/site/home

h/t @Raghav04491313
A Comprehensive listing of web resources. Self learning, references, tools, apps and books for Samskritam learners. While some beginners may be overwhelmed, this is a resource to bookmark and refer to frequently
h/t @Raghav04491313
Another excellent resource is 'Spoken Sanskrit' (through conference calls). A good opportunity to hear & speak in addition to self learning. Check out:
“The स्वाध्याय series from Rashtriya Sanskrita Sansthan very structured towards self-learning. Well laid out series. Takes an absolute beginner to a fairly versed stage”
This site from Rashtriya Samskrita Sanstha shown below has videos and vignettes useful for beginners
Adding the Gitasopanam from संस्कृतभारती - an excellent beginner’s self study text - simple, logical and well structured ....
👍🏼 This brilliant collection curated by @Raghav04491313 provides you an exhaustive list of books to learn संस्कृतम्। 👍🏼👍🏼